Taking the writing circle into a creative collaboration

Submit your proposal for a scholarly and creative inquiry circle by October 1.

What results when a digital musician, poet, digital animation artist, and a new media artist come together in a writing circle?  A collaborative performance! 2016-09-22-19-12-40

Terri Witek, Denge Chen, Matt Roberts and Amadine Pras recently performed the fruits of their collaboration: an interactive performance deploying video projection, animation, 3D mapping and sound work. This work, Implement for Removing Foreign Bodies, was featured as the fall Sullivan Reading  on Sept 22, 2016.

The creative interpretation of this group sparked us to rename the program from Scholarly Writing Circles to Scholarly and Creative Inquiry Circles.

Proposals for the 2016-2017 year are due October 1st.  Visit the call for proposals for details.