Writing and Immigrant Rights: Letters to a Detention Center

The Writing Program is sponsoring a lecture & discussion by Glenn Hutchinson, Interim Director of the Center for Excellence in Writing at Florida International University, who will be discussing Writing and Immigrant Rights: Letters to a Detention Center.

When: Thursday, March 30th at 3:00 P.M.
Where: Lynn Presentation Room in the Rinker Welcome Center


How can we respond to immigration policies through writing?  How can we be allies with immigrants who are undocumented?  This presentation will explore these questions and writing projects at an immigration detention center: letters, petitions, and op-eds.  Over 3 million people have been deported since 2008, and because of a mandate from Congress in 2009, over 200 detention centers, mostly run by private corporations, hold 34,000 detainees/day at a cost to taxpayers of $120/day.  We need to give more attention to the fact that not everyone has the ability to become a citizen and some students do not have the same legal protections.

Dr. Glenn Hutchinson earned his PhD from North Carolina Greensboro. His research interests include service learning, community writing centers, and immigration. He is the Interim Director of the Center for Excellence in Writing at Florida International University.