Irshad Manji to deliver keynote at Values Day

On Tuesday, September 26, 2017, Stetson University will celebrate its annual tradition of taking a day from classes to explore the core values of personal growth, intellectual development and global citizenship.

The 2017 Values Day speaker is Irshad Manji. She is the Founder and Director of the Moral Courage Project, which equips students to make values-based decisions. She has turned her journey as a Muslim feminist reformer and lesbian activist into teachings about professional leadership, informed by cutting-edge research that connects across the disciplines.  To learn more about Manji and her work, please visit her personal website and her project at NYU. The keynote will take place in Lee Chapel from 10:30 to noon.

R.E.A.D. (Reflect Engage & Affirm Diversity)

Irshad Manji’s book, Allah, Liberty, and Love: The Courage to Reconcile Faith and Freedom, for the Values Day R.E.A.D). Manji describes the book as an effort to “reconcile faith and freedom in a world seething with repressive dogmas.” One of the key teachings of Manji’s work and a universal theme in her book is “moral courage” or the willingness to question, speak up, and be a courageous global citizen in a world filled with inequities. The R.E.A.D. will take place from 12:30pm-1:45pm.

The day will also include over 30 workshops, a global citizenship fair, a bus tour of DeLand exploring Race, History, and Community, and a community-service project. For a complete listing of Values Day events, visit