We need your ideas for Values Day 2018!!

Mark your calendars! Stetson University Values Day is on September 25th, 2018. Every year Stetson takes a day from classes and other duties to celebrate and examine the values that form our foundation as an academic learning community. This year, we are taking a new, inclusive approach to planning the day.

The Values Day planning team invites you to join us for a Values Day Planning Workshop on Friday, February 23rd from 10am-12pm in Allen Hall. This workshop will be highly interactive and use the strategies of design thinking to engage all that attend in generating creative ideas for making Values Day meaningful, impactful, and inclusive of all members in the Stetson community. Light refreshments will be served and cultural credit will be offered to students that attend.

This invitation is open to all members of the community, including our staff (hourly and salaried), our students (undergraduate and graduate), our faculty (adjunct, visiting and tenure-track), our administrators, and our alumni. Please help us spread this invitation far and wide.

RSVP For Values Day Planning Workshop

If you are not able to attend the workshop but would like to share ideas for Values Day 2018, we will be sending out a community-wide survey after the Values Day Planning Workshop to receive additional feedback from the community. If you have any questions about Values Day, you can contact Savannah-Jane Griffin at savannah.griffin.