Stetson Spotlight Series Presents: Lynn Kee

The 2018-19 Stetson Spotlight Series continues on November 30 with a presentation by Dr. Lynn Kee, Assistant Professor of Biology, who will speak on “Investigating the Microbial Rainbow of Iridescent Bacteria”.

Date: Friday, November 30
Time: 1:30 pm- 2:30 pm
Location: Sage 159 – A hands on in lab classroom
Snacks will be available. All are welcome!

Please encourage your students to attend.

Click here for a complete schedule of Stetson’s Spotlight Series.

Investigating the Microbial Rainbow of Iridescent Bacteria”

Color is a ubiquitous characteristic shared in living organisms. Specific multicellular organisms like peacocks and butterflies exhibit dazzling colors due to the structural color phenomenon known as iridescence. My project investigates how unicellular organisms of bacteria display iridescence in hues of green, red, orange and yellow, when grown in culture utilizing microscopy and genomics tools.  In my interactive seminar, you will experience how we culture bacteria in lab and use microscopes to visualize individual bacterial cells that are invisible to our naked eyes.

Lynn Kee, Ph.D., grew up in Malaysia and Japan. She earned her B.S. and Ph.D at the University of Michigan in Cell, Molecular and Developmental Biology, where she investigated how the “cars” in our cells travel along the “highways” to reach a specialized signaling center. At Stetson, she is studying biological processes in microorganisms using a combination of microscopy and molecular tools.

Stetson Spotlight Series

The Stetson Spotlight Series at Stetson University is a showcase of faculty research, creative inquiry, and other scholarly engagement to the campus community. Presenters are primarily recipients of grant awards through the Stetson Summer Grant Program.

Click here for a complete schedule of the Stetson Spotlight Series.