Teaching Squares: Reflect

For those of you participating in a teaching square, you should have finished your course visits. Take some time now to reflect on what you learned.

Reflection Guidelines

This is a personal experience for you. You may wish to share it at the square share, but there’s no requirement to do so. The questions below can help guide your reflection. You will gain the most if you write your responses and allow each reflection to lead to other thoughts about your own teaching.

  • What have I learned about my teaching philosophy from my classroom observations (it could be something new or something that has been affirmed)? What personal values do I bring to my teaching?
  • Has my teaching philosophy changed as a result of this experience?
  • How has the experience of again being in the “learner” role impacted my teaching?
  • What surprised me during this experience?
  • What challenged me during this experience? What assumptions about teaching did I confront?
  • What have I learned is one of my teaching strengths?
  • What aspect of my teaching do I wish to improve? How am I going to do this?
  • What is one thing I learned that will make my teaching more effective?
  • Did I learn any tips, tricks or best practices that I might want to incorporate in my teaching?
  • Is there one particular thing I learned that I will apply next semester in my classroom? Why was this one thing so impressive?

LINK: https://stetson.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b7KoW0LCQQhcmNL

Learn more about Teaching Squares.