Slavery and the Struggle for Freedom in East Florida
March 16, 2021, 6pm – 8:00pm
In this presentation, Dr. Andy Eisen, co-director of the Community Education Project (CEP) and a Visiting Assistant Professor of History at Stetson University, will share research on slavery and Indian removal in Volusia County conducted by incarcerated students. After screening a brief documentary film, Unsilenced: Rewriting History from Prison, Dr. Eisen will address violent erasures of settler colonialism that shape the public understanding of this region, share stories of Black and indigenous people who lived, labored, and struggled for freedom in East Florida, and reflect on the radical potential of collaborative community-based public history research.
An exhibit created by incarcerated researchers will be on display at the Enterprise Museum in February and March 2021. The museum is open Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 10 am – 2 pm. For a private tour, contact Cindy Sullivan at 386-804-6987.
To attend the virtual lecture, please RSVP by filling out the Presentation Sign-up form. You will receive a link to attend the presentation prior to the event. This event was made possible through a generous grant from the Florida Humanities Council and the efforts of the St. Johns River-to-Sea Loop Alliance (