January and February QEP Information Sessions

Good morning, and happy end of the semester! 

I’m writing with an invitation to attend a QEP informational session, coordinated by the Brown Center.  The final plan is the product of a lot of hours of work from lots of folks, and I think you’ll approve. I hope this session also entices you to think about proposing a course you currently teach for “Bridging the G-A-P” enhancement. Please note that the sessions will be recorded for later viewing if you cannot attend. 

This one-hour session in January (with a follow-up option in February) will review the goals of the QEP (which have been refined considerably with each committee), look at the website and its resources, talk about the course proposal and what G-A-P faculty can use it for, get an idea of the timelines and deadlines, and, hopefully, get you interested in the potentials for this QEP initiative. I can’t think of anything more vital for our students right now than being able to think carefully and deliberately about the information that inundates them daily. 

Details are still developing — place, mode, etc. But I hope you will add these to your January and/or February dates.  Please RSVP to let us know how many to plan for.  Questions are always welcome. 

Hoping to see you in January! And hoping that the time between now and then treats you kindly. 

  • General Session- January 6, 2022 11:30 AM
  • Q&A Session- February 8, 1:30 PM