What is your experience? Where do we go from here? A series of lunch-time discussions.

As noted by The Chronicle, The American Association of Colleges and Universities and other news sources the election has already had an impact on the campus climate at colleges across the country.  Students and faculty at Stetson have reported election-related harassment and intimidation incidences on campus and in our community.  Many of us are struggling to reconcile our value for an inclusive community with these acts of exclusion.  

The Intergroup Dialogue Group (IDG) invites ALL students, staff and faculty to participate in a series lunchtime conversations.  The goal of these conversations is simply to provide a space to support each other as we process our feelings and reactions.  We will answer three simple questions.  What is your experience? Why does this matter to you? Where do we go from here?

These conversations are inclusive of ALL voices.  All peoples and ideas are welcome.  At the beginning of each conversation the group will establish a set of norms to support inclusive civility.

Discussion Dates: 

(all discussions will be held in the Faculty Lounge on the first floor of the CUB)

  • Wednesday, Nov 16, 12-1pm
  • Monday, Nov 21, 12-1pm
  • Tuesday, Nov 22, 12-1pm

For more information, please contact the Brown Center at [email protected] or 386-822-7930.