Memory workshop with Dr. Michael Eskenazi

How should you study with flash cards? Research says until you answer the question 3 times (but 2 is good too)

Wondering what advice to give students when they study for your exams?  Dr Michael Eskenazi gave an engaging workshop on evidence-based study strategies.

Some highlights …
  • Most studying emphasizes encoding but not retrieval. Students who spend more time practicing retrieval through practice tests do better.
  • Making your own practice tests is even better.
  • If you use flash cards make sure you’ve answered them on your own correctly at least once (three times is best).
  • Space your studying out over several days. Make a schedule!
  • Practicing the test format is helpful. Practice multiple choice if the exam is multiple choice.
  • Sleep is very important for consolidating memory.
  • Memory is changing proteins, which it takes time and requires building blocks!  Eat well, sleep, exercise are important.