Lilly Conferences on College Teaching

Lilly Conferences are offered throughout the US and designed to work well with your schedule. Each of the Lilly Conferences are unique, but they all share the same great Lilly community spirit!

For 36 years, the Lilly Conferences on College and University Teaching and Learning have been known as exceptional places to present and to learn from faculty colleagues on effective teaching and learning. This interdisciplinary teaching conference includes faculty, administrators, and graduate students from across the United States and abroad. Participants are given the opportunity to exchange ideas, build a repertoire of skills that can be put to immediate use, and to network with colleagues. The overall conference theme for the Lilly Conference series is “Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning.” 

Open Call for Proposals

Submit Your Scholarly Work for Consideration.  All Proposals undergo blind-peer review.

Lilly Original
Proposal Submission Deadline: June 21st
November 16 – 19, 2017

Lilly Austin
Proposal Submission Deadline: August 11th
January 4 – 6, 2018

Designing Effective Teaching, Asheville, North Carolina
August 7 – 9, 2017   

Lilly Institute Traverse City Michigan  Designing, Implementing, & Facilitating FLCs
July 17 – 19, 2017 (wait list only)

Lilly Anaheim-Orange, California
Teaching for Active & Engaged Learning
February 22-25, 2018

Lilly Bethesda, Maryland
Designing Effective Teaching
May 31 – June 3, 2018