Recap: Pedagogical Ecosystems

2017 Excellence in Teaching Symposium

Pedagogical Ecosystems

[Conference Description]

9:15-9:25 Introductions – Joshua Rust, Rosalie Richards, Joseph Morrissey

Pedogogical Ecosystems are Adaptive Classrooms – Josh Rust

Inclusion: The active, intentional, and ongoing engagement with diversity—in the curriculum, in the co-curriculum, and in communities (intellectual, social, cultural, geographical) with which individuals might connect—in ways that increase awareness, content knowledge, cognitive sophistication, and empathic understanding of the complex ways individuals interact within systems and institutions. – AAC&U, Making Excellence Inclusive

9:30-10:15 Tim Kaye – Universal Design in Webby Books

Tim Kaye described his work using Universal Design Principles to designing an online webby book that make reading these materials for everyone (including dyslexics).

If you want to do this for your own course, use WordPress. Profhacker posts some very good articles on using WordPress for courses.

10:20-11:05 Shawnrece Campbell, Patrick Coggins, Rajni Shankar-Brown – Working in Collaborative Spaces around Adult Learning

“I believe that culture is the central aspect of connecting with students -” Patrick Coggins

Patrick Coggins primed the audience with an explanation of the principles of Culturally Responsive Teaching.  Shawnrece led and enlivening discussion of how we can make our classrooms more collaborative with adult learners.

11:20-12:05 Becky Morgan, Bobbi Flowers – Access and Justice For All

The audience walked the courtroom to identify the physical, visual and audio design components that improve access for all in the Eleazer Courtroom.

12:45-1:30 Charles H. Rose II, Stephanie Vaughan, Catherine Cameron – Developing Systemic Simulated Experiential Learning Opportunities

Students get to experience the randomness of life, where everything is not controlled – Catherine Cameron

1:35-2:20 Ann Piccard, Kristen Adams, Judy Scully – Teaching and Learning Across the Justice Gap

2:30-3:15 Greg Sapp and Tammy Briant – An Interdisciplinary Ecosystem of Learning: The Civil Rights Movement in History, Law, and Religious Studies

3:15-4 Pamela Cappas-Toro, Andy Eisen, Melinda Hall, Joshua Rust – Teaching and Learning in Carceral Spaces