Circles and Squares are back!

Circles and Squares are back!

Inquiry Circles:

Stetson University supports teacher-scholar development, professional/practitioner-scholar development, and curricular/co-curricular collaborations through the award of Inquiry Circle mini-grants ($500). Stetson University faculty members and Campus Life & Student Success staff are invited to submit a proposal for an inquiry circle mini-grant.

A wide variety of ideas qualify for consideration on inclusive pedagogues including team-/problem-/project-based learning, designing the T-shaped student, values-based or authentic assessment, learning partnerships, sustainability, high impact educational practices, universal design, learning outcomes, culturally-inclusive pedagogy, reflective learning, e-portfolios, intercultural learning, leadership, well-being, course design/re-design, collaborative learning spaces, etc.

<<Apply for an Inquiry Circle>>

Teaching Squares:

The Teaching Squares Project offers faculty at any stage in their career an opportunity to gain new insight into their own teaching through a non-evaluative process of reciprocal classroom observation and self-reflection. The four faculty in each “square” agree to visit one another’s classes over the course of a semester and then to meet to discuss what they’ve learned. The purpose of a Teaching Square is to open up new spaces for reflection and conversation about teaching.

<<Apply for an Teaching Square>>