Call for Faculty Seed Grant Proposals – Institute for Water and Environmental Resilience

The Institute for Water and Environmental Resilience invites all faculty to apply for seed grants (ranging from $1,500-10,000) to support collaborative, interdisciplinary research, outreach, and service learning opportunities that address environmental challenges in the Central Florida region. The four focus areas of the Institute are:

  • health of Central Florida Springs
  • health of the Indian River Lagoon
  • Coastal Resilience– both natural systems and communities
  • Sustainability Management

The review committee will  consider proposals from all disciplines.

An information session will be held in Sage 105 on Wednesday, March 14 from noon-1:00pm.

See attached RFP and guidelines.  Proposals are due by April 2, 2018 at 11:59pm and should be submitted to  Shelley Gentile at [email protected]

IWER Faculty Seed Grants Request for Proposals


DOWNLOAD HERE:  RFP  and  Guidelines