Focused Inquiry Groups Call for Participants 

A Focused Inquiry Group (FIG) allows small groups of faculty and staff (3-4 members) to meet in person
or online to work together on a specific question, issue, or concern having to do with teaching and
learning. Collaborative inquiry provides an opportunity for participants to recognize common challenges
and work together to create solutions. Members of a FIG do not have to reside in the same department.

Some example topics are:
• Ungrading as an adaptive assessment tool
• Integrating fine arts into STEM to yield STEAM
• Integrating community-engaged learning across the curriculum
• Creative ways to integrate faculty-student mentoring into the college experience.

The Brown Center will provide up to $300 for refreshments and meals for groups of 3 – 4 people to
engage in conversations during the fall and spring semesters. If you are interested, and we hope you
are, please sign up below.