Call for Applications: 2017 NYU Summer Scholar-in-Residence Program

<<Applications due to [email protected] by Jan 30th>>

Residence programs will be held from June 5 to June 29, 2017 at New York University’s Washington Square campus.

Two Faculty  Summer Scholar-in-Residencies are awarded on an annual basis to a faculty member whose project …

  1. focuses on the development of innovative and unique pedagogies that can be implemented across a variety of disciplines to enhance the educational process OR
  2. furthers the goal of promoting cross-cultural understanding and tolerance through a closer alignment of the arts and the humanities

The awardee will meet with faculty colleagues at New York University and in New York City and will participate in activities scheduled as part of the larger Network Summer program which annually brings over 300 visiting faculty members to NYU’s Washington Square campus. In addition to accommodations and most meals, the awardee will receive a travel subvention and an honorarium of $1,000.

  • Review application details here.
  • For consideration, a complete set of application materials MUST be submitted electronically to [email protected] no later than two weeks prior to the deadline.

<<Applications due to [email protected] by Jan 30th>>

This opportunity is made possible through Stetson’s membership in the Faculty Resource Network. This unique partnership makes available to Stetson faculty world-class development opportunities.  Click here to learn more about these opportunities.