
Excellence in Teaching First-Year Seminars Award

The National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and McGraw-Hill Higher Education annually awards the Excellence in Teaching First-Year Seminars Award to one exceptional teacher at the annual First-Year Experience Conference.

The winner will receive:

  • Excellence in Teaching First-Year Seminars plaque
  • Cash award of $1,000
  • Travel expenses to attend the annual First-Year Experience Conference up to $750

A dean or chief academic officer can submit one nomination from the university. Nominate an instructor who has achieved great success in teaching first-year seminars and who inspires student learning, development, and success. The selection committee includes a national panel composed of members and former members of the Advisory Board of the National Resource Center, past outstanding first-year student advocates, and other leaders in American higher education.

Award Details 

Important Dates:
August: Submission for nominations opens
February: Award recipient is be recognized at the Annual Conference on The First-Year Experience

Sponsored by McGraw-Hill Education and The National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition, University of South Carolina

Announcements FSEM Showcase


Salvage, a Craft Activism Fashion Show is a collaboration with Stetson University students where they have created clothing based off of the stories of survivors of abuse. They have selected the most powerful quotes and screen-print onto t-shirts as a form of Statement Art. This runway of artistic expression will be set behind music and spoken words.

Domestic Abuse is an issue we hear about more than often, but what we don’t hear much about is what happens to the survivors after they have left the situation. Most times they are faced with other issues of homelessness, addiction, mental health or a continued cycle of violence. We rarely have the opportunity to hear their stories. It is from their stories we can learn how to support them as they rebuild their lives.

Find below a link to Madison Creech’s FSEM Fashion Show to take place on November 16 in the Artisan Alley Garage .

Facebook link:   Salvage: A Wearable Art show

Madison Creech is a Brown Teacher-Scholar Fellow in Creative Arts at Stetson University. Madison’s work highlights a number of key learning areas at Stetson: FSEM outcomes, the Brown Teacher-Scholar Fellow Program, FSEM class, community engagement project.

Madison is a multimedia artist with a dedication to mixing digital fabrication with traditional textile processes. Textiles not only inhabit all aspects of our lives today, they also have an engrained material language that is informed by history and culture.

For tickets and more information:

FSEM Showcase

Making It OK to Ask for Help

The First Big Grade

By about this point in the semester, freshmen may be starting to feel like they belong in college. Then they get back their first big grade. For some, it’s a lot lower than they’re used to seeing.

I talked about this pattern with a former dean of first-year students at a liberal-arts college that I visited last week, right around the time that students were taking midterms. “Students who end up at a top-level liberal-arts college tend to be at the top of the academic food chain in their high-school environment,” he says. They may have a vague sense that their new classmates were also standouts, he says, but “the reality of what that looks like doesn’t hit them until this point in time.”

Realizing that the study habits that got students into college might not be enough for them to succeed there is a pivotal moment. The way they — and their college — react to this early academic feedback can set the tone for the rest of their time on campus.

The power of the first big grade is a well-known phenomenon that plays out at colleges of all kinds, says Natasha Jankowski, director of the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment. And most colleges are doing something about it, she adds. The problem? In the bulk of cases, colleges have an early-warning system that kicks into gear — encouraging students to meet with an adviser, for instance — after they receive midterm grades. By then, the semester is halfway over, and only so much recovery is possible.

But there are things that colleges — and even individual professors — can do proactively, Ms. Jankowski says. Professors can prepare students for the kind of evaluation they’ll face by giving quizzes or providing “a sample of a well-written paper” or a rubric of how they’ll be graded.

It also helps, Ms. Jankowski says, if students talk with other students — particularly upperclassmen who can reflect on their own transition to college, and perhaps encourage freshmen that they need not go it alone. “A lot of times, for high-achieving students, there’s this stigma of, I shouldn’t need the help,” Ms. Jankowski says. A college can combat that, she says, by creating a culture in which seeking help is “just part of the experience.”

How do you help students acclimate to college-level work? Has your college found ways to ease the stigma of asking for help? Email me at [email protected], and your response may appear in a future newsletter.

Students Crave Conversation
A recent Twitter thread by Adele Perry, a history professor at the University of Manitoba, caught our eye. “It’s time for my annual reminder that students ask questions that are answered in the syllabus because they want to talk to you,” it began.

Frequently-heard faculty gripes about such questions are missing the point, Ms. Perry suggests. Sometimes, students aren’t even interested in the answer. Their question is merely a pretext for what they really want: a conversation.

That got us thinking about higher ed’s main mechanism for student-professor conversations: office hours. Over the years, The Chronicle has run columns arguing that professors should require students to attend office hours, a behavior correlated with academic performance; and asserting that since faculty can — and do — respond to students around the clock over email, office hours are obsolete.

Are office hours a good way to ensure that students get the kind of connection with professors that Ms. Perry reminds us they may need? If so, how do you structure them to be effective? If not, what do you do instead? Write me at [email protected], and your comments may be included in a future newsletter.

The Common Curriculum
The American Council of Trustees and Alumni recently released its annual analysis of colleges’ curricular rigor, concluding that in many cases, it’s lacking.

The council’s notion of rigor hinges on a particular definition: whether or not an institution’s general-education curriculum requires students to take courses in seven subjects — composition, literature, (intermediate-level) foreign language, U.S. government or history, economics, mathematics, and natural science. It is these subjects, the council wrote, that create a common intellectual framework and help students “meet the essentials of educated citizenship.”

As in years past, more than two thirds of the over 1,100 colleges in the survey failed to require four or more core subjects. There were just 24 that required six of these subjects. One of them was the U.S. Military Academy.

As it happens, we asked readers of this newsletter a few weeks ago to share with us whether their institutions were taking a fresh look at their core curriculum. Among the respondents was Christopher T. Mayer, associate dean for strategy, policy, and assessment at West Point.

The 24-to-27-course core curriculum there “requires a philosophy major to take a three-course core engineering sequence and a mechanical engineering major to take the core philosophy course,” he wrote. As a result, he said, cadets learn about each discipline’s content and mode of inquiry.

West Point is also unusual in other ways, Mr. Mayer wrote. All the students live on campus and share the same core physical and military curricula. “Thus,” he wrote, “cadets not only have a common academic experience, but also a common physical and military experience.”

Still, West Point revised its core curriculum a few years ago to allow cadets to have a bit more choice. They can select their third science course, or their foreign language, and which engineering sequence they want to take.

Cadets might sometimes grumble, Mr. Mayer wrote, but they’re there on full scholarship and tend to lack the consumerist mind-set common to other students. “Because their life is so regimented in other ways,” he wrote, “most are fine with the structure provided by the core.”

Coming Attraction
Next week, The Chronicle will release a special supplement looking at innovative teachers. You will be able to read about 10 of them — devoted faculty members from diverse fields and types of institutions whose approaches can be adapted to other classrooms. They are the kinds of instructors who constantly revise their teaching to find what works and who deeply want to connect with their students. Look for their stories on starting on Monday.

As always, please feel free to share thoughts or suggestions with us ([email protected], [email protected], and [email protected]). If you’ve been forwarded this email and would like to sign up to receive it, please do so here.

— Beckie and Dan

Published at
Copyright © 2017 The Chronicle of Higher Education
1255 Twenty-Third St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20037

Advising Discovery

Advising 101 Labs for First Year Students

Note: all instructors will receive the same notice from associate deans of their respective college/school.

Dear Colleagues,

As faculty, you advise students with the goal that they critically think about their learning and make curricular decisions accordingly. Academic Success staff look forward to partnering with you in the advising process.

First-year students are required to participate in continual orientation (Advising 101) by completing a mandatory advising lab prior to the advising period for first-year students (November 6 through 10). There are four major outcomes for the first semester sessions:

1. Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the General Education Curriculum.
2. Students will be able to navigate the three major registration systems: degree audit, course search, and my Stetson One Stop.
3. Students will be able to articulate what they would like to learn and demonstrate how they can use Stetson University curriculum and high impact practices to design a unique learning experience.
4. Students will prepare tentative and alternate courses for Spring 2018 and key questions for their meetings with their faculty advisors.

Subsequently, first-year students should come to faculty advising meetings more prepared and with a better understanding of the curriculum, the logistics of registration, and deeper thinking about their own learning goals. A tangible outcome of the advising lab will be that students will enter at least 4 courses for the spring 2018 term in the planner in Degree Audit. Students must complete the Advising 101 Lab and meet with their advisor to obtain their registration PIN before they register.

First-year Discovery students and first-year Biology students will complete this lab in person; all other first-year students must complete an online lab through Blackboard.

Please direct any questions about this matter to your Associate and Assistant Dean(s) or Stacy Collins in Academic Success.

Thank you for your partnership in this important work!

George Glander, Ph.D.
Professor of Physics
Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences

on behalf of the Council of Undergraduate Associate Deans


FSEM Instructor Announcements: September 2017

August 2017 Announcements

FSEM Instructors:
Find below a few announcements from the FSEM Team.

  • Student Progress:  With your help, we are successfully facilitating several first-year student concerns. In response to Colin MacFarlane’s alert notice on first-year student progress, we received a strong 52% response from you.  Academic Success is now reaching out to the 7% FSEM students identified as at-some-risk.
  • Measuring Learning: We will provide soon an update FSEM evaluation.
  • FSEM Syllabus:  We are in receipt of all syllabi. Thank you. Click here to indicate your interest (or not) in sharing your syllabus with other instructors. Look out for information soon on how to access the FSEM Syllabus Library.
  • TA Syllabus: Thank you to all who have already submitted TA syllabi; however, a few syllabi are still outstanding. Find here examples of TA syllabi. Note: Per Stetson Course Syllabus Policy, all courses require a syllabus. Submit your TA syllabus by October 1, 2017.
  • Class Experience Budget: Each FSEM has a class experience budget of $150 to spend on an activity that is social, academic, or both.
  • Discovery Initiative: Five FSEM instructors are participating in a Discovery-FSEM Initiative. The pilot, launched this summer, aims to guide undecided students through the process of exploring a major.
  • FSEM Manual: The 2013 FSEM Manual is now live as is the draft of the new FSEM Manual & Resource Guide. If you have interest in providing content for the new manual, contact us.
  • Teaching & Inquiry Circles: Are you considering an FSEM circle or related idea? There is a rolling deadline for instructors to apply for circle grants. The call remains open as long as resources are available.  
  • First Year Success Resources: Thank you to the many of you who have sent forward resources on first-year student success to build the library of FSEM Resources. Continue to send ideas and practices, as well as articles and other resources that facilitate scholarly teaching.
  • Reminder: The following areas have provided resources. Click on each for details.

October 2-3: Fall Break
October 6: University Faculty Meeting
October 13: Preliminary Fall 2018 list of FSEM offerings due to Deans Everett and Glander with copy toTrena (CAS instructors)
October 18: Mid-term grade due to Registrar via Banner Web by 10 a.m.
October 18: Open House @ WORLD; 4:30-6:00 pm; 635 Bert Fish Rd, Deland, FL 32723

As we dig into a new academic year and celebrate another Values Day, it is with gratitude that I recognize your safety after Hurricane Irma disrupted your personal and professional lives, and our campus function.

Welcome back.

Interim FSEM Director
Associate Provost for Faculty Development
Professor of Chemistry and Education
[email protected]


FSEM Schedule Disrupted by Hurricane Irma

UPDATE: FSEMs, previously scheduled to end on Tuesday, Nov. 21, will now be taught through Tuesday, Dec. 5.

Stay tuned for updates on the FSEM class schedule from the Provost.  Dates are determined in consultation with the Registrar’s Office.

Questions? Email [email protected]


Hurricane Irma Update, 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2017

Some power has been restored to some locations, allowing these updates for students.

The Lynn Business Center in DeLand is fully functional and DeLand graduate programs for the School of Business Administration will resume on Thursday, Sept. 14, 2017.

DeLand graduate programs for the College of Arts and Sciences previously scheduled for Thursday and Saturday in Davis Hall will be moved to the Lynn Business Center, and students will receive information from their faculty about the location of classes.

The Center at Celebration’s power is on. The facility is undamaged and will reopen for on Thursday to hold their graduate programs on site at the Celebration campus.

Undergraduate classes at the DeLand campus remain canceled, and residence halls and apartments are closed until Duke Energy can fully restore power to the university. The earliest that undergraduate classes will resume is Monday, Sept. 18, 2017. Unlike some universities and colleges in the region that either never lost power or already have power restored, Stetson University’s main campus remains without power, and that includes the central cooling plant that services most of the university residence halls and classrooms. Until power is restored to the main campus, the university is not able to set a specific date for classes to resume, residence halls to reopen and the campus to reopen.

Some essential personnel have been asked to return to work to support the resumption of graduate programs at the Celebration campus and in DeLand at the Lynn Business Center on Thursday.

Stetson University College of Law faces a similar situation. It cannot resume classes and cannot open campus until power is restored. As a result, all classes and activities are canceled through Sunday, Sept. 18, including weekend classes scheduled for this weekend. The College of Law has asked faculty, staff and students to plan for resumption of operations on Monday, Sept. 18, 2017.

The next update will be at 6 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2017.


Stetson Officials Closely Monitoring Hurricane Irma

Hurricane Irma Update, Sept. 5, 12:30 p.m.

Stetson University’s Office of Public Safety and its Emergency Management Team are closely watching the direction and progress of Hurricane Irma, now a category five hurricane, as it approaches the British Virgin Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. There are multiple paths the hurricane can take this week including over Central Florida, potentially impacting Stetson University’s campus locations in DeLand, Celebration, Tampa and Gulfport. More


FSEM Instructor Announcements: August 2017

FSEM Instructors:
Find below a few announcements from the FSEM Team.

  • Thank you for your assistance during the first few weeks of the seminar. With your help, we have successfully facilitated several first-year student concerns. See also Colin MacFarlane’s student alert notice on first-years requiring additional support and important information about Stetson’s Student Success Collaborative.
  • FSEM Syllabi and Teaching Apprenticeship Syllabi are due. Submit to [email protected] or deliver to Maribel Velazquez at Flagler Hall by August 31, 2017. Indicate your interest (or not) in sharing your syllabus with other instructors.
  • Note that suggested language for learning outcomes related to mentoring and student integration components of FSEM is available at FSEM Resources.
  • The following areas have provided resources for your consideration. Click on each for details or search for others using “Resources”.

Honor Council

Writing Center

Information Literacy

  • A draft FSEM Manual & Resource Guide is available. Interested in providing content? Contact Us.
  • Each FSEM has a class experience budget of $150 to spend on an activity that is social, academic, or both. To receive an immediate cash reimbursement, submit receipts for the FSEM experience directly to Maribel Velazquez in the English Department Office (second floor of Flagler Hall). If you prefer the University pay the vendor directly, please contact Maribel Velazquez at least one week prior to the event to receive a Departmental Purchase Order (DPO). The DPO allows you access to a number of restaurants and businesses in town in lieu of direct payment.
  • I promised a poll in August to identify your best availability to participate in the Fall 2017 FSEM Student Success Workshops. However, I am awaiting confirmation on FSEM Leadership from the Provost. In the meantime, please think about workshop topics and possible facilitators. Also, might you have interest in a forum to come to consensus on which of the expectations (5 General Learning Outcomes and 3 QEP priorities) are most critical to the FSEM and which are optional? The poll will include these questions so stay tuned.
  • Provost Painter is reviewing the outcomes of the FSEM Instructor Welcome Back Workshop (August 2017) and the FSEM Transformative Learning Institute (May 2017). Stay tuned for announcements.

Here at home, we are coping with the passing of sophomore Nick Blakely. And in Texas, colleges and universities are dealing with the onslaught of Hurricane Harvey. And the list keeps growing. Thank you to those of you who have shared actions you/your students are undertaking to commemorate Nick’s life or support victims in Texas.

Special thanks also to the many who have sent suggestions and items to be posted at the FSEM Blog. Please do not hesitate to share what you/your students are doing so that we can share with the FSEM community and others. Submit your announcements, questions, ideas, and recommendations to [email protected].

Have a productive semester.

Interim FSEM Director
Associate Provost for Faculty Development
Professor of Chemistry and Education

FSEM Showcase Information Literacy

Kaletski-Maisel offers interactive literacy resources for FSEM students


I took my FSEM class to the library yesterday and had Grace Kaletski-Maisel, assistant professor and learning and information literacy librarian, present on finding sources, evaluating credibility of information, and library services. The presentation was really interactive and she also created a webpage with resources specific to assignments in my class.

I highly recommend faculty and instructors utilize her as a resource for classes, I was really impressed, and I think it is really going to impact the quality of the assignments students will be turning in.

Check out the link if you have time.

Savannah-Jane Griffin
Director of Community Engagement and Inclusive Excellence