Congratulations to all 2024 SURE Grant recipients!
Diana Godinho (William Nylen, PhD): Brazil Case Study: Political Polarization and its Effects on a Democratic Youth
Amarige Champion (Ekaterina Kudryavtseva, PhD): Bum Painter or so-called Architect?: Oscar Bluemner’s Transition to Painting
Jason Albea (Leander Seah, PhD): The United States-Philippines Military Alliance: Ferdinand Marcos and the Cold War, 1965-1986
Sophia Maritz (Chadley Ballantyne, PhD): Changing Postures and Breathing Patterns: Insights into Singing through the RespTrack System
Tajah Garrett (Chadley Ballantyne, PhD): Embracing the creative art of songwriting, filming and recording
Natalie Thomas (Luca Molnar, MFA): Literature in Relation to Society and the Artworld
Braedyn Wasden (Christopher Jimenez, PhD): The Spaces and Bodies of Ligotti and Kafka: Between Space and Body in Capitalist Organizational Management
Nikki Membiela (Eric Johnson, PhD): The Self-Conscious Bi-Racial: How Examining Historic and Contemporary Literature Creates an Evolution in the Idea of Boisean Double Consciousness
Frueauff Research Grants
Savannah Goodwin (Corie Charpentier, PhD): Do Tidal Rhythms Effect Larval Dispersal in Aratus Pisonii?
Blair Durda (Sarah Garcia, PhD) Kirtan Kriya Meditation on Amnestic and Non-Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Proposed Study
Maxwell Shiffman (Holley Lynch, PhD): Collecting the first live images of Vanessa cardui embryos
Naya Adla (Thomas Vogel, PhD): Tracking Hate Speech on Twitter among the Arab Diaspora in the West using Machine Learning Models
Sowren Wildingcrayne (Lynn Kee, PhD): Investigating Ginkgo Biloba Extract (EGb761) Amyloid beta (Aβ) inhibition using a transgenic Caenorhabditis elegans model.