Faculty Accomplishments Faculty Awards Sabbatical

2022-2023 Sabbatical Awards

Congratulations to the recipients of the 2022-2023 Sabbatical Awards:

Benjamin Tanner, Associate Professor and Chair of Environmental Science and Studies, “Is Water Lettuce a Native Aquatic Plant in Florida?”

Christopher de Bodisco, Assistant Professor of Economics, “Expert Judgement, Meta Analysis and the Development of Conservation Planning Priorities”

Dengke Chen, Assistant Professor of Digital Arts, “Digital Preservation of the Endangered Tujia Cultural Heritage”

Hala ElAarag, Professor of Computer Science, “Using Extended Knowledge Graph for Detection of Non-Conventional Information Pollution.”

Hari Pulapaka, Associate Professor of Mathematics, “Graph Theoretic Properties of the Flavor Network.”

Holley Lynch, Assistant Professor of Physics, “Edge Effects on Tissue Spreading in Amphibians”

Jason Evans, Associate Professor of Environmental Science and Studies, “Operationalizing Resilience Metrics for Climate Adaptation and Ecosystem Restoration in the Southeast Atlantic Coastal Region.”

Kathy Jo Piechura-Couture, Professor of Education, Nina B. Hollis Institute of Educational Reform, “L.I.F.E (Learning Incredible Skills for Everyday Curriculum”

Mary Ellen Oslick, Associate Professor of Education, “Enhancing the Science of Reading with Dyslexia Training”

Michael Eskenazi, Professor of Psychology, “The Creation of An Open-Source Eye-Tracking Corpus with Reading Skills Measures”

Randall Croom, Professor of Management, “The Interesection of Organizational Behavior”

Ranjini Thaver, Professor of Economics, “The Relationship Between Economic Growth and Financial Depth in India, Brazil, and South Africa Alliance.”

Robert Sitler, “Professor of World Languages and Cultures, Director of Latin American and Latino Studies Program. “

Ron Hall, Professor of Philosophy, “Language and Love”

Steven Smallpage, Assistant Professor of Political Science, “Excavating the Concept of Political Romanticism”

Susan Peppers-Bates, Associate Professor of Philosophy, “Christianity, Hermeneutical Injustice, and Epistemic Vice”

Tim Peter, Professor of Music, “Singing in South Africa: Opportunities for Field Studies, Musical, Educational, and Cultural Immersion”

William Andrews, Associate Professor of Management, “Transforming the Political Economy: Prioritizing Change in Developing Economies”

Faculty Accomplishments Faculty Awards Sabbatical

2019-2020 Sabbatical Awards

Congratulations to the recipient of the 2019-2020 Sabbatical Awards:

Mayhill Fowler, Associate Professor; Director of SPREES, Stetson’s Program in Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies: Theater on the Frontlines of Socialism: The Military-Entertainment Complex in Ukraine, 1940s-2000s

Mary Pollock, Professor of English: Theater on the Frontlines of Socialism: The Military-Entertainment Complex in Ukraine, 1940s-2000s

Christopher Bell, Associate Professor of Religious Studies: Dorje Shugden and the Yellow Book

Judith Burnett, Associate Professor of Counselor Education: Panua Partners in Hope: Curriculum Development and Expansion of Psychosocial Programs in Naivaisha, Kenya

Pamela Cappas-Toro, Associate Professor of World Languages and Cultures: Co-Teaching Spanish with Incarcerated Instructors in a Men’s Maximum Security Prison: Using Communicative and Critical Pedagogy Approaches to Language Acquisition

Roslyn Crowder, Assistant Professor of Biology: Confirming Yaupon Holly Anticancer Properties

Chris Ferguson, Professor of Psychology: Cross-National Predictors of Violent Crime

Jennifer Foo, Professor of Finance, School of Business: Scholarly Research and Fulbright Teaching (Poland)

Krista Franco, Associate Professor of Theatre Arts: Endstation Theatre Company: An Oral History Project

Alan Green,

Faculty Awards Sabbatical

2021-2022 Sabbatical Awards

Congratulations to the recipient of the 2021-2022 Sabbatical Awards:

Eric Kurlander, William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of History,“Before the ‘Final Solution’: A Global History of the Nazi ‘Jewish Question’” 

Maria Rickling, Associate Professor of Accounting, Chair of M.E. Rinker, Sr. Institute of Tax and Accountancy, “A Research Proposal: A Unique Point of View to Innovating the Accounting Curriculum” 

Leila Roach, Associate Professor of Counselor Education, Chair of Counselor Education, “Exploring and Expanding Mental Health Services in Bhutan” 

Peter Smucker, Assistant Professor of Music Theory, Director of Music Theory, “Values, Currencies and Economies of Video Game Music” 

Nancy Vosburg, Professor of World Languages and Cultures, “Antonia Huerta’s Cybercrime Fiction; Ushering in a New Subgenre in Spanish Literature” 

Robert Askew, Assistan Professor of Psychology, “Imparting Clinical Meaning to Pain Intensity Ratings” 

Grace Kaletski-Maisel, Assistant Professor, Learning & Information Literacy Librarian, “Trajectories of Information in Literacy Learning” 

Dejan Magoc, Professor of Health Science, “Promoting Active Living Through Behavior Change” 

Michael McFarland, Associate Professor of Communication and Media Studies, “Discourse Strategies in Sudden Change Rhetoric: Argument and Invention in Evangelical Preaching” 

Emily Mieras, Chair of History; Associate Professor of History and American Studies, “Progressive People” in “Elysian Lands: History, Memory, and the Making of Community Identity in the American South 1870-1970” 

Ramachandran Subramanian, Professor of Leadership, “Developing Teaching Cases in Corporate Governance” 

John York, Professor of Chemistry, “Utilizing Molecular Dynamics (MD) and Quantum Mechanical/Molecular Mechanical (QM/MM) Methods for the Study of Metal-Ligand Bonds in Proteins” 

Faculty Awards International Awards Sabbatical

Timely Sabbatical in Taiwan
Faculty Awards Sabbatical

2020-2021 Sabbatical Awards

Congratulations to the recipient of the 2020-2021 Sabbatical Awards:

Yves-Antoine Clemmen, Professor and Chair of World Languages and Cultures (French),“An evening at the Grand Guignol, Bilingual Edition of Forgotten Plays from the French Theatre of Horror.”

Joshua Eckroth, Associate Professor of Computer Science, “Implementation and Deployment of Artificial Intelligence-Based Course Advising Software at Stetson University”

Ramee Indralingam, Professor of Chemistry, “An exploratory study of corporate re-branding via communicated identity”

Asal Johnson, Associate Professor of Public Health, “A Mediation Analysis of Bladder Cancer Survival in Florida; Neighborhood, Insurance and Treatment Effects on the Risk of Death”

Camille King, Professor and Chair of Psychology, “Obese-prone: Is biology destiny?”

Michael King, Professor of Biology, “Distribution of Fos-Immunoreactive neurons across the brain elicited by taste or visceral simulation in mice”

Mitchell Reddish, Professor of Christian Studies,“John of Patmos: From Text to Legends”

Michelle Skelton, Associate Professor of Health Science, “The effects of IgY Max™ on microbial diversity of the gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal symptoms, and overall health and well-being in a sub-clinical

Page Thanasiu, Assistant Professor of Counselor Education, “GAL Play: A Trauma Informed Model for Training Guardians ad Litem”

Daniil Zavlunov, Associate Professor of Music, “Opera in Russia during the Reign of Nicholas I (1825-1855): A Cultural History”

Wendy Anderson, Professor of Environmental Science and Studies, “Growing Food for Communities, not Commodities”

Krista Franco, Associate Professor of Theater Arts, “Storytelling through Digital Rendering Techniques”

Deborah Goldring, Professor of Marketing, “An exploratory study of corporate re-branding via communicated identity”

Danielle Lindner, Associate Professor of Psychology, “Examining Self-Objectification and its Consequences in Adolescents

Megan O’Neill, Quality Enhancement Program Director,“Writing Assessment at Small Liberal Arts Colleges”

Madhu Rao, Professor of Decision and Information Science, “Modelling and Analysis of Cumulative Warranties with Phase Type lifetime distributions”

Rajni Shankar-Brown, Professor and Jessie Ball duPont Endowed Chair of Social Justice Education, “Time for Recalibration: Engaged Scholarship for Equity and Social Justice in Education”

Rachel Core, Associate Professor, “Health and Disease in Global Asia”

William Nylen, Professor of Political Science, “Slamming the Door Shut: Educational Reform in President Bolsonaro’s Brazil”

Joshua Rust, Associate Professor of Philosophy, “Four Social Ontological Investigations”

Margaret Venzke, Associate Professor of History, “Essays on Ottoman Land Administration in the 16thCentury: A View from the Older Islamic Provinces in Eastern Anatolia and Syria, with a Particular Emphasis on Aleppo”

Nathan Wolek, Professor of Digital Arts, “Documenting the soundscape of coastal regions using audio field recordings.”

Faculty Awards Sabbatical

2018-2019 Sabbatical Awards

Congratulations to the recipient of the 2017-2018 Sabbatical Awards:

Mark Bauer, Professor of Law: Anti Trust by Design

Jason Bent, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of Law: The Statistics of Discrimination

Paul Boudreaux, Professor of Law: Tales of the Suburbs

Catherine Cameron, Professor of Law: Reinvigorating US copyright Law with Attribution

Joe Morrissey, Professor of Law

Susan Rozelle, Professor of Law: Rolling the Dice for Death: Structural Problems in Capital Punishment

J. Anthony Abbott, Professor of Environmental Science and Studies: Modernly Mapping Bartram

Shahram Amiri, Professor of Decision and Information Sciences: The Impact of Information Technology on Rehabilitation in the United States Justice System

Cynthia Bennington, Professor of Biology: Restoring and managing an ecosystem fragment on Stetson’s campus

Diane Everett (Spring), Professor of Sociology: A Theoretical Model for Analyzing Gender Inclusion, Exclusion, and Being Ignored within Gendered Work Organizations

Kandy Queen-Sutherland, Professor of Religious Studies: Writing Project – Book Title: If Not for a Woman …

John Rasp, Associate Professor of Decision and Information Sciences: Assessing Win Probabilities in Tournaments

Ekaterina Kudryavtseva, Associate Professor of Art History: The Afterlife of Kazimir Malevich’s Suprematism

Paul Sibbald, Assistant Professor of Chemistry: Study of Organic Chemical Reaction Mechanisms Using Computational Methods

Faculty Awards Sabbatical

2017-2018 Sabbatical Awards

Congratulations to the recipient of the 2017-2018 Sabbatical Awards:

Jesus Alfonzo, Associate Professor of Music: Artistic Studies and Special Exercises for Viola: Preparing for Walton, Bartok and Hindemith Viola Concertos

Jon Carrick, Associate Professor of Management, Associate Chair of Management: Global Private Equity Investment Database

Chris Colwell, Associate Professor and Chair of Education: Understanding the Role of Charisma in K-12 Leadership

Manuel de Murga, Associate Professor of Music; Composition; Director of Composition: Compositions for Soloists and Ensembles

Michelle DeMoss, Dennis C. McNamara Sr. Professor of Marketing: Investigating Sustainable Marketing in the U.S. Food Industry: A Case Method Approach

Ana Eire, Professor of Spanish: Contemporary Spanish Poetry and Poetics: Eloy Sánchez Rosillo and Carlos Marzal

Richard Medlin, Professor of Psychology: Performance Training in an Avant-Garde Style

Julia Schmitt, Professor of Theatre Arts and Chair of the Creative Arts Department: Performance Training in an Avant-Garde Style

Terry Farrell, Professor of Biology: Snake Fungal Disease in Florida Snake Populations

Leander Seah, Associate Professor of History: Conceptualizing Chinese Identity: Chine, the Nanyang, and Trans-Regionalism

Faculty Awards Sabbatical

2016-2017 Sabbatical Awards

Congratulations to the recipient of the 2016-2017 Sabbatical Awards:

Gary Bolding, Professor of Art

Paul Croce, Professor of History

Michael Denner, Professor of Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies

Tandy Grubbs, Professor and Chair of Chemistry

Peter May, Professor of Biology

Elisabeth Poeter

Elizabeth Poeter, Associate Professor of German, Director of Gender Studies

Matthew Roberts

Matthew Roberts, Associate Professor of Digital Arts

Matthew Schrager

Matthew Schrager, Associate Professor of Health Sciences

Tara Schuwerk, Associate Professor and Department Chair

John Tichenor

John Tichenor, Associate Professor of Management; Chair of Management

Mercedes Tichenor, Professor of Education

Rusty Witek, Professor of Creative Arts

Terri Witek

Terri Witek, Professor of English, Sullivan Chair in Creative Writing

Kirsten Work, Professor of Biology

Faculty Awards Sabbatical

2015-2016 Sabbatical Awards

Congratulations to the recipient of the 2015-2016 Sabbatical Awards:

Bill Andrews, Associate Professor of Management: Corruption, Turnaround and Economic Growth: Recovering the SocietalInfrastructure of Entrepreneurship

Shawrence Campbell, Associate Professor of English: Untitled Scholarly Article

Joel Davis, Associate Professor of English: The Complete Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia, volume 2: additions to the 1593 folio

Debbi Dinkins, Associate Dean of the Library: Henry Flagler and Florida Philanthropy: The Stetson University Connection

Hala ElAarag, Professor of Computer Science: Network Coded Internet Friendly Transport Protocol

B. Glen Epley, Professor of Education: Reaching Beyond the Schoolhouse Gate: Responsibilities and Liabilities of School Officials for Regulating Student Behavior Outside of School Involving Internet and Social Media

Melissa Gibbs, Professor of Biology; Director of the Aquatic and Marine Biology: Changing reproductive patterns of Pterygoplichthysdisjunctivus in Volusia Blue Spring

Ronald L. Hall, Professor of Philosophy: Logic A Brief Introduction

Eugene Huskey, Professor of Political Science: Untitled Scholarly Article

Scott Jones, Associate Professor of Marketing: Interpreting Cobrands

Susan Peppers-Bates, Associate Professor of Philosophy: Malebranche, Free Love &Quietism

Kathy Piechura-Couture, Associate Professor of Education: Examine students’ perception of sex roles in single-gender school environments verses coeducational school environments

Hari Pulapaka, Associate Professor of Mathematics: A Traceability Index for Food

Robert Sitler, Professor of World Languages and Cultures, Director of Latin American and Latino Studies Program

Ranjini Thaver, Professor of Economics: The impact of forced labor and high inequality on the US import and export demand functions with its trading partners

Christopher Tobler, Associate Professor of Finance: “How to Build or Rebuild an Intercollegiate Athletics Program: A Qualitative Investigation of Intercollegiate Athletic Directors and Head Coaches’ Strategies”


2014-2015 Sabbatical Awards

Congratulations to the recipient of the 2014-2015 Sabbatical Awards:

Hala ElArag, Professor of Computer Science

Eric Kurlander, Professor of History

Mark Powell,  Assistant Professor of English: Grievous Angel

Alicia Schultheis, Professor of Biology

Betty Thorne, Professor of Statistics: Identity Theft: The Role of Academia

Tom Vogel, Associate Professor of Math and Computer Science, Chair of Math and Computer Science: Visiting Scholar Appointment in the University of Central Florida Mathematics department

Nancy Vosburg, Professor of World Languages and Cultures, Spanish: Constructing the Ethical Lesbian in Recent Spanish Fiction

John York, Associate Professor of Chemistry