SURE Grant Undergraduate Research

2024 Stetson Undergraduate Research Experience Awards

Congratulations to all 2024 SURE Grant recipients!

Diana Godinho (William Nylen, PhD): Brazil Case Study: Political Polarization and its Effects on a Democratic Youth

Amarige Champion (Ekaterina Kudryavtseva, PhD): Bum Painter or so-called Architect?: Oscar Bluemner’s Transition to Painting

Jason Albea (Leander Seah, PhD): The United States-Philippines Military Alliance: Ferdinand Marcos and the Cold War, 1965-1986

Sophia Maritz (Chadley Ballantyne, PhD): Changing Postures and Breathing Patterns: Insights into Singing through the RespTrack System

Tajah Garrett (Chadley Ballantyne, PhD): Embracing the creative art of songwriting, filming and recording

Natalie Thomas (Luca Molnar, MFA): Literature in Relation to Society and the Artworld

Braedyn Wasden (Christopher Jimenez, PhD): The Spaces and Bodies of Ligotti and Kafka: Between Space and Body in Capitalist Organizational Management

Nikki Membiela (Eric Johnson, PhD): The Self-Conscious Bi-Racial: How Examining Historic and Contemporary Literature Creates an Evolution in the Idea of Boisean Double Consciousness

Frueauff Research Grants

Savannah Goodwin (Corie Charpentier, PhD): Do Tidal Rhythms Effect Larval Dispersal in Aratus Pisonii?

Blair Durda (Sarah Garcia, PhD) Kirtan Kriya Meditation on Amnestic and Non-Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Proposed Study

Maxwell Shiffman (Holley Lynch, PhD): Collecting the first live images of Vanessa cardui embryos

Naya Adla (Thomas Vogel, PhD): Tracking Hate Speech on Twitter among the Arab Diaspora in the West  using Machine Learning Models

Sowren Wildingcrayne (Lynn Kee, PhD): Investigating Ginkgo Biloba Extract (EGb761) Amyloid beta (Aβ) inhibition using a transgenic Caenorhabditis elegans model.

Faculty Awards SURE Grant Undergraduate Research

2017 Stetson Undergraduate Research Experience Grant Awards

Congratulations to our 2017 SURE Grant winners, we commend your effort!

Amber L. Clark, mentored by Dr. Terence M. Farrell, Mapping range and impacts of abiotic factors on pigmy rattlesnakes (Sistrurus miliarius) with snake fungal disease

Sarah Coffey, mentored by Dr. Wendy Anderson, Fire History on Lopez Island, Washington

Elena Finver, mentored by Dr. Dejan Magoc, Health-related attitudes and behaviors among college students in the U.S. and Europe: A cross-cultural perspective.

Marissa Hanley, mentored by Dr. Kimberly Reiter, Ex Americanus: The Translation of European Catholic Relics to the American Midwest

Madison Hill, mentored by Dr. Emily Mieras, The Representation of Women and Context of Gender in the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History

Sarah Hollmann, mentored by Dr. Eugene Huskey, Origin and Ethnicity in Northern Ireland

Holly Molinaro, mentored by Dr. Terence M. Farrell, Kin Recognition in Pygmy Rattlesnakes (Sistrurus miliarius)

Amanda Rogers, mentored by Dr. Jelena Petrovic, Trail Magic on the A.T.

Arden Tomassetti, mentored by Dr. Michele Skelton, A comparative analysis of the beliefs and attitudes of Physician Assistant students and practicing Physician Assistants on Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Victoria Wells, mentored by Dr. William Nylen, Funding of the Arts

Brett Whitmore, mentored by Dr. Kimberly Reiter, Dissecting the Wreckers: Where Does History Meet Commodity in Key West and South Florida?

Faculty Awards SURE Grant

2018 Stetson Undergraduate Research Experience Grant Awards

Congratulations to our 2018 SURE Grant winners, we commend your effort!

Nathan Bodger, mentored by Dr. Christopher Bell, Dharma and Human Rights in Thailand

John Levee, mentored by Dr. Nathan Wolek, Acousmatic Composition for Multi-Channel Speaker Arrangement

Linsey Hughes, mentored by Dr. Mayhill Fowler, Present but Unrepresented: Finding Women in the Gulag

Colette Cacciola, mentored by Dr. Kimberly Reiter, The Politics At Play in the Creation of the Museum of the Bible

Chelsea Seaver, mentored by Dr. Asal Johnson, Uncovering the History behind Spring Hill’s Wright Building

Mackenzie Nalven, mentored by Dr. Camille King, The Effect of Limiting Email Usage on Job Productivity

Riley Reynolds, mentored by Dr. Holley Lynch, The Effects of Fibronectin Concentration on the Rate of Tissue Spreading

Riley Bibaud, mentored by Dr. Jason Evans, Coral Abundance and Distribution in Roatan, Bay Islands, Honduras

George Ridgeway, mentored by Dr. Holley Lynch, Collective cell migration in Axolotl embryos during the Epiboly stage and how initial explant size affects spreading rate 

Jessica Algieri, mentored by Dr. Emily Mieras, The History of Elizabeth Stetson

Porter Crapps, mentored by Dr. Philip Lucas, The Camino de Santiago: Meaning and Motivations in the Medieval and Post-Modern Periods

Faculty Awards SURE Grant Undergraduate Research

2019 Stetson Undergraduate Research Experience Grant Awards

Congratulations to our 2019 SURE Grant winners, we commend your effort!

Vincenzo Cornacchione, Assessing Perceptions of Healthcare Access Among Rural Honduran Community Members

Lezhi Liu, Convergent Series Solution Analysis for Lane–Emden equations with initial values and boundary conditions

Jeffery Lu, An Analysis Regarding the Accuracy of An Application of The Monod Equation for The Growth and Decay of Escherichia Coli Biofilm Under Variable Conditions

Jenna Palmisano, Determining the Competent Intermediate Hosts of a Recently Introduced Snake Parasite, Raillietiella orientalis, in Florida

Breanna Shi, Study of the Homotopy Perturbation Method and the effect on different non-linearites on the Lane-Emden Equation

Caitlyn Bishop, Dating Experiences of Asian-American Women

Dakota Figueroa, From Archenemies to Allies: Reassessing the Birth of the United States-Japan Alliance, 1945-1960

John Levee, Interactive Audio Installation for 5.1 Speaker Array and VR Headset

Emily Maule, Where Has the Art Gone? Examining the Use of Imagery in the Baptist Community

Isabelle Palmer, 3D Modeling and Animation at FIEA

James Parman, America’s Genocide: Analyzing the Motives and Effects of Anti-Native Violence

Nelson Quezada Herrera, Elite-Driven Beliefs How Issue Framing Affects American Attitudes Toward the Green New Deal

SURE Grant Undergraduate Research

2022 Stetson Undergraduate Research Experience Grant Awards

Congratulations to our 2022 SURE Grant winners, we commend your effort!

Yahia Adla, mentored by Michael King, The Effects of Spilanthol on Behavioral Responses to Salty Taste.

Chloe DeYoung, mentored by Dr. Jean Smith, Analyzing the function of Fus1 during cell fusion in Saccharomyces cerevisiae,” 

Brandon Evans, mentored by Dr. Cynthia Bennington, Effects of competition and fire suppression on the growth of two sandhill understory plants, Aristida stricta and Pityopsis graminifolia

Molly James, mentored Dr. Jason Evans, The Potential Effectiveness of Vertical Rain Gardens in the Mitigation of Stormwater Runoff and Pollution.

Andrea R. Mingo, mentored by Dr. Danielle Lindner, Food Allergies, Anxiety, and Disordered Eating

Lauren Radesi, mentored by Dr. Michael Eskenazi, An Exploration of the Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Nature Based Therapy

Tom Sussan, mentored by Dr. Corie Charpentier,  Examining the comparison of substrate location for eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica spat settlement and the effect of boat wake on settlement in the Mosquito Lagoon, Florida.

Grayson Taber, mentored by Dr. Holley Lynch, Imaging Early Developmental Stages of Butterfly, Vanessa cardui

Kaira Thevenin, mentored by Dr. Kristine Dye, Exploration of Merkel Cell Polyomavirus Small Tumor Antigen Localization in Transformation and Tumorigenesis

Nicole Verdecia, mentored by Dr. Corie Charpentier, Quantifying the Diversity and Settlement Rate of Organisms Along a Living Shoreline in Mosquito Lagoon

Catherine Kraft, mentored by Dr. Leander Seah, Speaking of Dictators: Stalin’s Soviet Union, Mao’s China, and the Language of Personality Cults

Alexa McDonough, mentored by Dr. William Nylen, Legacies of War: Argentina’s Catholic Church During the Dirty War and Beyond

Lily Paternoster, mentored by Dr. Ekaterina Kudryavtseva, Uneasy: Commodification of Jean-Michel Basquiat 

Osmara Rodriguez, mentored by Dr. Emily Mieras, Domesticity in Nineteenth Century Suburbia; Ideal vs. Reality

Dylaney Sabino, Dr. Nathan Wolek, Investigating The Daisy Patch Using Max Gen~

Mario Saponaro, mentored by Luca Molnar, Living in a State of Mind

Madison Skelton, mentored by Dr. Sarah Cramer, How do agricultural and food practices and identity interact with one another within Mayan culture?

Nicole Steiniger, mentored by Dr. Terence Farrell,  Do pygmy rattlesnakes exhibit behavioral fevers in response to infection by a fungal pathogen?

Katie Wedderstrand, mentored by Dr. Kimberly Reiter, The Bone Wars as a Study of Paleontological Growth in Western America

Faculty Awards SURE Grant

2021 Stetson Undergraduate Research Experience Grant Awards

Congratulations to the 2020 SURE Grant award winners! We commend all faculty mentors and award recipients.

Julia Gray, “Social Media Usage and Conspiracy Theory Belief

Mentor: Michael Eskenazi

Kristina Mickens, “Prairie-Dwelling Rodents/Anaplasma phagocytophilum

Mentor: Sean Beckmann

Trenton Ward, “Lack of military coups/repression in Costa Rica after 1948

Mentor: Nicole Mottier

Ryan Estes, “Ecclesiastical Responses to the Albigensian Crusade

Mentor: Kimberly Reiter

Jake Simmons, “Protein-Ligand Interactions

Mentor: Matthew Shannon

Emily Keck, “Access to Black History in Volusia County

Mentor: Anthony Abbott

Jade Ammones, “Equity & Art Institutions

Mentor: Katya Kudryavtseva

Abigail Arient,Vodou Dance in the Caribbean

Mentor: Nicole Mottier

Shadia Muñoz-Najar, “The Effects of Compulsory Voting on COVID Mortality in Latin America

Mentor: Elizabeth Plantan

Mary Caputa, “Am Military crimes against the Japanese 1941-52

Mentor: Emily Mieras

Liam Leider, “Issues With Current Methods of Advertising SNAP

Mentor: Kelly Smith

Jordan Acosta, “Post-Soviet Mosque: Islamic Revival

Mentor: Michael Denner

Julia Finver, “COVID-19 health measures in FL universities

Mentor: Asal Johnson

Ruby Rosenthal, “Sex, Work and COVID 19

Mentor: Andy Dehnart

Meghan Landsberg, “The New Era of Misinformation

Mentor: Su Young Choi

SURE Grant Undergraduate Research

2020 Stetson Undergraduate Research Experience Grant Awards

Congratulations to our 2020 SURE Grant winners, we commend your effort!

Jasmine Hartsgrove, mentored by Fazal Abbas, Social Contagion model and obesity

Marie Domina, mentored by Terence Farrell, Rodents as hosts of snake parasite

Zevi Altus, mentored by Lisa Coulter, Estimating Kurdish Population in Turkey

Alyssa Louk, mentored by Thomas Farrell, Canterbury Tales Project

Kathryn Moran, mentored by Terence Farrell, Invasive Parasite (Raillietiella orientalis) in Corn Snakes

Julia Bassett, mentored by Nicole Mottier, America’s First Cocaine Encounter

Victoria Crawford, mentored by Asal Johnson, Wright Building and Community Health

Rebecca Guerra, mentored by Christopher DeBodisco, European Union Monetary Policy

Nelson Quezada Herrera, mentored by Joel Davis, Colson Whitehead’s The Underground Railroad

Jake Simmons, mentored by Tandy Grubbs, Nitrate, Phosphate, Ammonia Nutrient Concentrations

Gordon Silva, mentored by Nathan Wolek, Acoustically Treating Collective Church Deland

Jacob Woods, mentored by Nathan Wolek, Procedural Audio Integration into Celeste

Daminie Appavoo, mentored by Fazal Abbas, Mathematical Optimization Methods: Application

Samantha Dunlap, mentored by Katya Kudryavtseva, Captain America and Malchish-Kibalchish

Ocean Crawley-Sweeney, mentored by Dejan Magoc, Access to Healthcare in Remote Villages E Afr

Adam Wallace, mentored by Douglas Phillips, Stetson University Band Program 1955-1974

Anna Hamilton, mentored by Will Miles, Maximization of Stetson Student Learning

Grace McEllroy, mentored by Nathan Wolek, Manipulatives Of Audio Signals For Classroom Use

Sarah Rathke, mentored by Kelly Smith, Religionization and Xenophobia, env opinion