
Student Alert Notices

FSEM Instructors:
Here are two pieces of information we would like to convey to you.

  1. First Day of Class: FSEM rosters are always in flux this time of year as students are depositing and withdrawing. I want to remind you to consult your My.Stetson or Blackboard rosters before class as updates may be happening into Sunday morning/early afternoon. We will also be emailing you with any updates we receive from FOCUS check-in regarding no-shows and ask that you let us know of anyone who did not attend your class.
  2. Student Performance Alert: We believe with the amount of engagement FSEM instructors have with their students as well as the earlier start, that the midterm grade alone is not as good of a method of identifying students who are struggling and may need intervention and support. We are planning to request FSEM instructors provide an update on students who you believe need additional support from CLaSS resources, likely the week of September 11, 2017. This is a quick and easy process. You will receive an email which contains a link. The link takes you to a form that shows you your roster for FSEM. You click Yes for any student you are worried about and choose from a drop-down menu of why you are worried (missing class, poor performance on assignments, etc.) and then you click submit. You don’t have to click anything for students who are doing fine. If your whole class is doing great, just hit submit and you are done.

In Community,

Colin MacFarlane
Director of Assessment and Operational Effectiveness
Campus Life and Student Success
Stetson University