Summer reflections of an international student now graduate

Chasing a dream: an opportunity as a life changer

by: Yana Verbova

Have you ever pondered what it’s truly like to chase your dreams, regardless of how daunting the path might appear? Let me assure you, the impossible is within reach. My story stands as a beacon of hope and resilience.

Two years ago, I stood on the brink of a dream, miles away from home in a country engulfed by war. Two years ago, I arrived at Stetson as a dedicated Ukrainian student to be one of the four lucky ones thanks to the Ukrainian Initiative program. Prior to Stetson, I studied dentistry for two years in Ukraine, but an unexpected burst of war events like a horrendous gash on the heart of my beautiful country ruined all my plans and belief in the bright future. 

When fate decides it is your turn, there is no way to lose the chance that happens once in a hundred, but grab it in a heartbeat instead. That is exactly what I did. However, I felt like I was split into two worlds: leaving my fabulous country with my close friends and family, who undergo a lot of difficulties every single day fighting for their own life, or building my own bright future in the USA. No matter how tough of a decision it was to me, I consciously decided to give Stetson a go, since studying in Ukraine was barely possible already at that time. 

My decision was absolutely right, the best one ever, I would say. The moment I set foot on campus, I fell in love. Though my first week was challenging, dealing with homesickness and loneliness, I embraced my mission: to gain a prestigious education that would empower me to help rebuild my country. 

The past two years (2022-2024) were filled with diverse and exciting experiences. My journey was nothing short of transformative, ranging from gaining hands-on experience with the dental club during my first year, to delivering presentations and events to raise awareness about Ukraine. I also had the privilege of tutoring peers at the Writing Center, traveling, and repeatedly earning a place on the Dean’s List. 

Stetson felt like home at the first glance. Encouragement from faculty members, support from the international student community, and the thrill of engaging classes really made my heart warmer and renewed my long-lost belief in a fulfilled life. I am proud to be a part of the marvelous Ukrainian community, with whom we built such an inseparable bond throughout these two years. Having a myriad of Ukrainian events and presentations made me feel both heart-rending and glad, since spreading awareness nowadays is a key. 

Stetson has also been a place for professional development for me, since my job at the Writing Center wasn’t just about commas and essays, but it truly gave me essential tools to be a clear and effective communicator and a leader, which is vital in the healthcare profession. Let alone talking about my Senior Research, where elaborate analysis of studies came into reality of me studying the participants in real life. 

To all prospective international students: I encourage you to apply to Stetson University. This supportive community, coupled with academic excellence in the beautiful sunshine state, will undoubtedly enrich your life. Embrace the challenge; you are the architect of your own future. Never stop believing in yourself and striving for self-realization.

My Stetson experience has been a wild ride-a rollercoaster of knowledge, compassion, hope, success and failure. None of this would have been possible without the incredible people who shaped my journey. I laughed, cried, grew and flourished at Stetson. Stetson is a place to be, Stetson is home, Stetson is my sole. 

Everything is possible! Never stop believing and doing everything for your own self-realization! I am profoundly grateful to everyone who supported me on this journey and to the universe for this unparalleled experience. I am ready to embrace my next endeavors with optimism and determination.

  So, here’s to Stetson, to our incredible journey together, and to a future where Ukrainians and Americans fly side-by-side towards a healthier, brighter tomorrow! And hey, if I ever find myself missing that Florida sunshine during my studies at Brown University for my MPH, you can bet this Hatter will be hopping on the next flight back to the warm Floridian home I found at Stetson!

“Once a Hatter, always a Hatter”. Couldn’t be happier to say this as a Stetson Alumna.