Florida Lessons from Abroad Conference

By Sara Hassler

April 5th, 2024 marked a new day for study abroad at Stetson University. The WORLD David and Leighan Center for International Learning, hosted their inaugural conference here in Deland. Attendees and presenters from all over Florida came together to enjoy the fruits of their labor from their time studying abroad. Neighboring schools like University of North Florida, University of South Florida, University of Central Florida and Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, came together to host the Lessons from Abroad Conference.

Shaun O. Smith and pal present at the Florida Lessons from Abroad Conference

The morning began in Lee Chapel with a warm and proud welcome from President Christopher Roellke, led by Provost Skomp sharing her support for the conference and her own mention of leading a study abroad program in her past. The opening ceremony was concluded by Assistant Director of International Learning Programs, Melanie Smith, who joyfully directed the group towards the first presentations in Brown Hall and Sage Hall. Presentations now having begun, the two halls were brimming with stories about traveling abroad, becoming international students, and all the wonders of stepping out of one’s comfort zone to pursue higher education. Presenters stretched from Stetson students to students from the visiting universities giving their take on their lessons from abroad. 

The day was nicely interrupted by a break for lunch in the Stetson Room, where attendees and presenters had a chance to learn how to utilize their study abroad experience in their resumes and ventures into the workforce. Presentations led by University of North Florida and Stetson University aimed at teaching students how to include their experiences abroad in their resumes and how to account for the lessons they encountered while abroad. From missing a bus in Europe to remastering the experience to demonstrate a  student’s critical thinking skills, attendees were provided with worksheets that allowed them to identify learning objectives that matched with their time abroad. 

After lunch, presentations continued and the conference was later concluded with closing remarks in Lee Chapel. That marked the end to the first ever Lessons from Abroad Conference at Stetson University, the beginning of a great tradition that will hopefully be continued for years to come. 

Monique Silva Dias and Elisa Mullisi present “Two Sides of a Study Abroad Story”