Stetson International Graduate Mohammed H. Batarfi gets an OPT extension and a promotion

Mohammed H. Batarfi – a December 2019 Stetson graduate that is now completing his Post Completion Optional Practical Training (OPT) with DuvaSawko got a promotion during the one-year-extension of his F1 visa status. 

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Mohammed Batarfi ’18

Mohammed is an international student from Saudi Arabia that graduated Stetson University with a bachelor’s degree in Computer and Information Sciences focusing in Computer Information Systems. With the support of Stetson WORLD, Mohammed was able to apply for OPT, with the goal of stepping into a working space, putting his gained knowledge and skills to use, and starting a career. To do so, Mohammed began his research for jobs in all platforms possible. He recalls having to complete multiple interviews a week, especially during his last semester at Stetson. Mohammed’s efforts paid off and he was accepted to DuvaSawko – an emergency medicine RCM service founded and operated by Emergency Department physicians” in Ormond Beach, Florida. Mohammed assures that the hiring process was not overly complicated. To get the position, he completed interviews with the CIO of the company and the Department of Human Resources and took an evaluation test, which landed him the job.

Initially, Mohammed learned about the position during his last semester at Stetson. As the CIO of DuvaSawko, Tim Branz, was a Stetson graduate, when Duvasawko was in need of a Software Engineer expert, Branz contacted one of the professors in the Computer Science Department. Mohammed learned about the job via his professor and started the application process. He was able to work in the company as a part-time employee with a required CPT status – Curricular Practical Training. That international employment status is available to all F1 students meeting specific criteria set out by USDCIS. CPT allows international students to partake in any work/study, internship, fellowship opportunity that directly earns credit toward graduation in their selected major. After finishing Stetson, Mohammed changed his status to an OPT student.

Mohammed has worked in the company for around a year now, and DuvaSawko rewarded his hard work with a promotion from the position of Software Engineer to DevOps Technology Manager. In his new position, Mohammed is responsible for the whole technology stack of the company which includes all servers, systems, databases, application tools, third-party vendors, and security. Although the promotion multiplied his work responsibilities, Mohammed, who has completed OPT and is now working remotely from his home country, truly enjoys his job and finds it to be full of amazing opportunities.

To the current Stetson students who also plan on doing OPT, Mohammed recommends starting their research and application process as early as possible and to avoid getting discouraged by outrageous requirements from the employers. Saying so, Mohammed recommends applying for positions even in cases when the student does not entirely match the requirements of the employer. This is because he believes that companies may have strict requirements in hopes of finding the ideal employee, however, while interviewing the potential candidates, they usually make some compromises and select  the best-suited candidate.

Written by Ani Martikyan, Stetson ‘23

How Is COVID-19 Impacting International Higher Education in the United States?

WES Logo

WES (World Education Services) recently published a reportHow Is COVID-19 Impacting International Higher Education in the United States?

The COVID-19 crisis has profoundly disrupted U.S. higher education, affecting both institutions and people, including students, faculty, and staff. To understand the potential impact of the coronavirus on U.S. international higher education, WES Research surveyed prospective international and immigrant students interested in studying in the U.S.; and U.S. higher education professionals who work in various areas, such as admissions and student services, to support international and immigrant students. This report is based on the survey responses of 615 prospective international and immigrant students and 199 higher education professionals.

The report provides insight into how the pandemic is affecting the plans of prospective students, as well as the adjustments U.S. institutions are making in light of the crisis. It explores:

  • Factors impacting prospective student interest in studying in the U.S.
  • Institutional views regarding fall enrollment
  • Support services to assist international and immigrant students

F-1 Students – Options for Study

Hello international students,
Since receiving the new regulations from SEVP, WORLD has been working to develop options for our students who are abroad and cannot or are afraid to return to the US. We know this is a stressful time for our international students – you all are managing travel bans, quarantines, and restrictive visa rules, not to mention a global pandemic. We have so much admiration for how you are handling the difficult situation you have been handed. At Stetson, we are bound by U.S. laws, but we want to help you as much as we can within these regulations. We are trying to think creatively for ways to help you. If you cannot return to Stetson this fall and want to continue taking classes, you have a few options:

1. You could take Stetson classes entirely online from home if:  you are a  returning college student continuing your degree program.  First time in college students MUST take at least half their credits face to face or hybrid to remain in good standing so they must come to Stetson and be actively attending classes.
2. First time in college students who have not yet gotten a visa can defer their start date for Stetson and register for classes online.    Since you are not officially an international student until you are issued a visa you can choose to stay home and take the first semester of your degree online.  you MUST contact the world office to have your I-20 start date deferred until spring.  However, remember if you do have a visa you must come to campus and you must be in face to face or Hybrid classes if you want to study this fall.
3. If you have EU or UK citizenship and you are unable to return to Stetson this fall due to the travel bans in place on your country, you can study online from home. Athletes, you should talk to your coaches about this to be sure your athletic scholarships will remain available to you.

Another option you can choose is to spend two weeks in a third country quarantining there before proceeding onto the USA.  We strongly suggest you keep all your receipts and travel documents if that is your choice to validate the time in the third country.   Remember you will be required to quarantine again in the US upon your entry.

Either scenario, you should be in touch with Financial Aid to see if/how any of these options would impact your financial aid and scholarships. Athletes should be in touch with their coaches to see if/how this would impact their athletic scholarships.

July 6 ICE Statement Concerning F-1 Study

Updated Federal Regulations for International Students with F1 Visas

Hello International Students,

We are so impressed with the high levels of maturity you are all applying as you navigate the barriers to international education which are in place due to the pandemic.  We are happy that we are able to support you and will continue to provide the most accurate information that we can.

On July 6, 2020, the U.S. Federal Government issued new regulations that pertain to international students’ access to classes during Fall 2020 term.  This new guidance supersedes all other regulations for the Fall 2020 term only as it is currently set to expire in December 2020. The guidelines were counter to expectation and have created major upset within the international learning community.  We are currently organizing by signing petitions to the White House, talking with government officials through our professional organizations, and advocating for change with our local SEVP and state representatives.  It is possible that some of the guidance will be updated in the coming days and weeks based on the pushback the government is receiving from international educators, students, and the higher education field at large; however, we cannot rely on a change in policy.

The new guidelines state that every international student who wishes to cross borders into the United States will need to show an I-20 form certifying that Stetson University is offering face-to-face classes and that you are properly enrolled in 12 credits or more.  Please ensure that you are registered for at least 12 credits by July 15, 2020.  Thereafter, we will add the required registration note to each individual I-20. This may require that we post the document to you via regular mail. To ensure that we have your correct information, please submit at this link by July 15, 2020.

The federal guidelines offer three possible scenarios for course delivery, each of which will impact you differently.

  • Scenario 1:  Stetson delivers all courses online.
    • This scenario would require all international students currently in the U.S. to either leave the country and take Stetson’s classes, or transfer to a university/college offering face-to-face courses. Students would be allowed to take online courses through Stetson as long as they are outside of the United States.
  • Scenario 2:  Stetson offers face-toface courses only
    • All international students are required to be physically present at Stetson to participate in their courses. The usual online learning rules would apply, namely, students can only take one online course during the semester; the remaining courses must be taken in-person.
    • New first-time-in-college international students have the choice to be physically present at Stetson to participate in their courses, or defer their start at Stetson until the spring 2021 term.
    • New international students transferring to Stetson have the choice to be physically present at Stetson to participate in their courses, or defer their start at Stetson until the spring 2021 term.
    • Returning international students have the choice to be physically present at Stetson to participate in their courses, or to take a leave of absence for one semester and take NO STETSON COURSES.
  • Scenario 3: Stetson offers hybrid courses (a mix of online and in-person classes)
    • All international students are required to be physically present at Stetson to participate in their courses. However, students are required enroll in face-to-face courses whenever possible to advance toward their degree. In the event that a student requires specific courses to graduate and the courses are offered as fully online courses only, the student is required seek approval from WORLD to ensure compliance with federal regulations. NOTE: Students cannot take more than one online course without permission from their DSO.
    • New first-time-in-college international students have the choice to be physically present at Stetson to participate in their courses, or defer their start at Stetson until the spring 2021 term.
    • New international students transferring to Stetson have the choice to be physically present at Stetson to participate in their courses, or defer their start at Stetson until the spring 2021 term.
    • Returning international students have the choice to be physically present at Stetson to participate in their courses, or to take a leave of absence for one semester and take NO STETSON COURSES.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve in the state of Florida, Stetson University’s administration is updating its decision-making to ensure your health and safety.  At this time WORLD highly recommends you make plans for returning to Stetson in time to quarantine for fourteen days before classes start on August 13, 2020.

Students currently participating in OPT or awaiting OPT approval will not be impacted by these changes.

If you have specific questions, please reach out to Roxanne at [email protected] for assistance.  Please know we that we appreciate you and we look forward to our continued partnership in helping you complete a U.S. education.

Thank you,
Roxanne Lewis
International Student and Scholar Services Coordinator
Paula Hentz
Director of International Learning
WORLD: The David and Leighan Rinker Center for International Learning

WORLD Alumni Showcase: April, 2021

Son Vu is a WORLD Alumni having graduated from Stetson University class of 2020 with a double major in Professional Sales and Marketing and a minor in Psychology. Since that time, Son has been working as a Centurion Sales Delegate for Stetson University Business School while on OPT.

Son Vu ’19

Coming to Stetson from Vietnam for new international student orientation in 2016, marked the first time that Son visited the U.S.  He credits Stetson’s small size for the ease of his transition, “I got used to my new life in the States quite smoothly with all the help from the WORLD staff and my professors.”  Son said that he was “never made to feel uncomfortable even though I would ask many questions, both in class and in my social interactions”. He said he almost feels like any other student, “including the domestic ones” and says that is probably because English is his second language.

“I would not be where I am now without the personal guidance from the “teachers” that he had at Stetson. Some of them were professors and some of them were his friends. Son came to the U.S. as a new member of Stetson’s Honors Program.  He lived in Conrad Hall, a residential hall designated for mostly Honors and Bonner Program students, all four years.   He says that living in Conrad was the best decision that he ever made.  “I met many of my current friends and mentors from my first few years living there”. Never one to sit still for long, in his sophomore year, Son studied abroad again in Seoul, South Korea for one semester and came back to be a Resident Assistant for Conrad Hall for the last two years as he completed his undergraduate degree. He was also in one of the first groups to graduate from the Centurion Sales Program, under the guidance of Dr. John Riggs.

While Son has always been curious and has had a desire to try new things and explore, he said that none of his experiences would have happened without the encouragement and mentorship of the people that he met at Stetson. After his current job, Son is looking to work on his professional Sales career in a young company and eventually, build his own. Global citizenship, a value Son shares with Stetson, continues to be extremely important to him and he is planning to carry it and live by it wherever he goes during his career.

If you are interested in connecting with son for career networking,  please contact WORLD at [email protected].

Meet Anh M. Nguyen:  Stetson Student Employee of the Month – March 2021

Anh Nguyen ’22

Anh M. Nguyen is a third-year student from Vietnam majoring in International Business at Stetson University who recently received the Stetson “Student Employee of the Month – March 2021” recognition.

Anh started her employment journey in the WORLD office at Stetson University in 2019 as a clerical assistant, helping the WORLD personnel including Roxanne Lewis, Paula Hentz, and Wendy Viggiano. In this position, Anh manages a lot of assignments and tasks in the form of designing posters and presentations, planning events, handling email communication, and helping fellow international students’ with the management of their residency statuses here, in the U.S.. Before joining WORLD in 2019, Anh had no prior working experience. She was able to navigate her first employment experience with the WORLD with the help of the welcoming staff and fellow co-workers who guided her through all the hardships and challenges. Anh admits to having wanted to work in the WORLD office the moment he entered the place. This is because the WORLD Office creates a welcoming environment for international students to gather, express their feelings and concerns, and gain the necessary support. She wanted to start working at WORLD to contribute to assisting her fellow international students. Her goal in her student employment position has always been to assist them with their concerns and to help WORLD provide as many development opportunities as possible.

Anh notes that she was both very surprised and excited to receive the “Employee of the Month” recognition. She had always thought of this title but had never thought she would be able to receive it. She credits her supervisor Roxanne Lewis for not only helping her grow and gain so much professionalism over the years, but also for recognizing her efforts and dedication.

She says that the recognition means a lot to her,”It is an indication of my dedication and hard work. It means my work is impactful, not only for my personal growth but also for my fellow Hatters” –putting her in perfect alignment with her job goals.

Anh also shared the lessons she learned, the advice she would give to fellow Stetson employees, and her favorite moments working for WORLD. Anh notes that she gained a lot of various skills in her current position. She learned to work effectively both individually and in a team. Moreover, she was able to familiarize herself with all the management systems, such as the Shared drive and different websites/ platforms that the WORLD uses. Anh’s advice to her fellow Hatters who want to get Stetson employment is to, firstly, improve their time management skills. As a person of many commitments (besides her job, Anh is also the Vice-President of APAC, a Residential Assistant (RA), and most importantly, a full-time student), Anh believes that planning is the best way to manage your time. Every morning, she spends 5-10 minutes planning her day and setting clear priorities for the day. Secondly, Anh advices students to not leave everything to the last minute.

She says, “It is important to do disciplined work every day to be able to set time for other commitments and involvements.”

Lastly, Anh’s favorite part of working on campus is being able to learn from so many amazing individuals. She believes that her involvements always challenge her and help her become better. She hopes sharing this story will inspire other international students at Stetson to get out of their comfort zones and get involved on our campus.

Written by Ani Martikyan ’23

Celebrating International Graduates 2020

New International Student Orientation group photo of students graduating in 2020. Taken in August 2016.

Four years ago these eager and new faces graced our campus for the first time. This week, our international seniors and WORLD Ambassador seniors will graduate and become alumni of Stetson University, but what would a beginning and ending be without the middle?  Four years ago we could not predict they would be such a pleasure to work with. nor could we predict that collectively they would win award after award in all areas of personal development. Some of their awarded development was for community engagement and service on and off campus, for outstanding grades and other academic measures, for leading their team to victory time and again, for leadership on campus and off, for outstanding performance in real world experiences locally, regionally . and nationally and for all other sorts of activities. We are so proud of everything they have accomplished and what they will continue to accomplish as alumni.  

While we are sad that we cannot have our normal celebrations to congratulate them on all of their achievements and to mark this milestone in their lives, we are looking forward to celebrating at commencement this December and we hope they can all return and take part in those events. We wish all of our graduates a safe and happy and successful future. Congrats Class of 2020! #hattergrad

Lunch & Learn: Plan Ahead: Easy Ways to Internationalize Your Fall 2019 Courses

Internationalized courses are the building blocks of an internationalized curriculum. Join faculty and staff experienced in internationalizing coursework to discussessential elements of an internationalized course such as level of activity, student learning outcomes, assessment, course content, and activities. Lunch is provided and limited seating is available.

By the end of this Lunch & Learn, participants will be able to:

  • Identify 2-3 strategies for internationalizing a course
  • Locate resources, including syllabi,  for internationalizing courses

Image reprinted from ACE Internationalization in Action

Meet Anirudh Bhatnagar…Stetson International graduate sees value in being a HATTER.

WORLD is fortunate to give the spotlight to another hardworking and ambitious alumnus from Stetson. This time WORLD is featuring Anirudh Bhatnagar – a Stetson alumnus from India who graduated from the university in Spring 2018 with a degree of BSc Physics. After graduation, Anirudh was accepted to the University of Copenhagen to complete his master’s degree with the major of Quantum Physics. His expected graduation date from the University of Copenhagen is Spring 2023.

Anirudh talked to us about his time at Stetson – his favorite moments, the challenges he faced, and advice he could give to the current international Hatters. His favorite thing at Stetson was the close-knit and diverse community in which he was able to meet people from different backgrounds and with different passions. He met his best friends at Stetson, who he has stayed in touch with even after his graduation.

Anirudh’s advice to the current international students is to not fear making mistakes. He says “It is only natural to slip up and mess up at times…”

Anirudh Bhatnagar

Although Anirudh recalls his time in the U.S. and Stetson as one of his favorite periods, it did not pass without difficulties. The biggest challenge for him as an international Hatter was constantly dealing with accidental mess-ups. He says that every year, something had gone wrong. However, the WORLD office and Roxanne Lewis were always supportive of him and managed to help him fix whatever came up. With this being said, Anirudh’s advice to the current international students is to not fear making mistakes. He says that it is only natural to slip up and mess up at times because studying abroad and adapting to a new culture and ways of living is a challenging process.

Anirudh is currently in India, getting ready for his departure to Denmark in a few months to start his master’s degree. He told us about his employment experiences after graduation. He worked at two jobs – one in the U.S. and the other in his home country India. His first job upon graduation was at an Aerospace company called Satcom Direct as a technical analyst in Florida. Returning to his home country where he had not been for almost a decade, Anirudh started working at the Indian Institute of Technology as a Research Associate. In this position, he worked on developing theories on various projects. He is grateful for both of these experiences as they had helped him improve himself and solidify his topic of interest for his further studies as a graduate student.

Anirudh recalls his time at Stetson with much gratitude and believes that becoming a Hatter was one of the best decisions he had ever made.

Written by Ani Martikyan and Anirudh Bhatnagar