Introducing Brown Visiting Teacher-Scholar, Dr. Olena Kolupayeva

I did my PhD in Linguistics at Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University, Ukraine. I completed a professional internship as a professor of journalism on the basis of a European broadcaster (“BVBM as the representative of citizen media interests in Germany”, the Federal Republic of Germany, 2019-2020). Also, I participated in the Erasmus+ International Academic Mobility Program at the Catholic University of Ružomberok (the Slovak Republic, 2019).

Currently I’m working as a Brown Visiting Teacher-Scholar Fellow in Communication and Media Studies at Stetson University. My research is aimed at recognizing false and misleading information distributed by Russian government-controlled media, pro-Russia websites, social media accounts like Twitter, Facebook, TikTok. My attention is also focused on refuting fake news in the media covering war in Ukraine.

Being a facilitator of Media Literacy project, my objective is for students to develop critical thinking skills while accessing, analyzing, and evaluating media messages in a variety of forms.

As a graduate of the “Human Rights Academy for Journalism Professors”, I try to increase students’ awareness in the field of equality and non-discrimination, recognize, analyze and break down stereotypes in media.