How to Plan and Lead a Study Abroad Program: February 6

During this WORLD Class Lunch & Learn, faculty and staff will offer tips, insight, and ideas on how to plan and execute a study abroad opportunity for Stetson students. Faculty who have successfully conducted study abroad experiences will share lessons learned.

The deadline for proposing a study abroad course or program is September 15, 2018. Come and learn how we can help you! Lunch is provided and space is limited.

All Faculty/Staff Welcome
Time: 12:00-1:00 pm
Location: WORLD: Rinker Center for International Learning; 635 Bert Fish Road
RSVP: Lunch provided

Paula Hentz selected to Global Institute for Inclusive Leadership in New Zealand

Congratulations to Paula Hentz, director of international learning at Stetson University, for being selected to participate in the Global Institute for Inclusive Leadership in New Zealand. Ms. Hentz will join academic leaders from across the globe for an intensive 8-day interactive workshop designed to elevate skills and build networks to better support global education and diversity-related work.

The institute, slated for January 13-20, 2018, is a program of Diversity Abroad, a global community network aimed at inspiring new and diverse generations of global citizens.


WORLD welcomes Wendy Viggiano, program coordinator for international learning

WORLD: The Rinker Center for international learning is delighted to welcome Wendy Viggiano to Stetson University. As program coordinator for international programs,  Ms. Viggiano will support faculty-led and other study abroad programs, supervise Stetson’s WORLD Student Ambassadors, and works with campus departments to increase awareness and participation in global learning initiatives including Peace Corps Prep.

Ms. Viggiano comes to Stetson University with over a decade of international education experience, most recently as the College Relations Manager with IES Abroad, a non-profit study abroad provider, where she specialized in student recruitment/ program promotion, academic advising, and curriculum integration. She holds a M.S in Higher Postsecondary Education and a B.S. in Communication and Rhetorical Studies, both from Syracuse University.

Welcome to HatterNation!

More about Viggiano

Students attend the 2017 Florida International Leadership Conference

In 2017, two WORLD student ambassadors attended the Florida International Leadership Conference. Here’s what they thought about the experience.

Stetson students decorate a donation box at FILC 2017

I had no real expectations when I had first hopped into the car and was heading to Camp Winona for the Florida International Leadership Conference. But when I arrived, I was truly floored by the dozens of international students that gathered at the camping grounds. The attending students were amazing in every different way with the addition of their unique cultural backgrounds and origins. Everyone was so enthusiastic to learn about one another and about American culture from me, a domestic American student. I was as curious about their own cultures. It came to the point that everyone would talk to anyone even if they didn’t even know their name.

The sessions at FILC were pretty good, too. The first speaker, who dealt with refugees from Middle Eastern countries, was truly an amazing inspiration. The following sessions were pretty good as well. Most of the sessions were geared towards foreign students but there were still things I was learning from these sessions.

If given another opportunity to attend, I’d pounce on such an opportunity. And if anyone is considering attending the conference themselves, do it! And remember to bring everything present on the list for the conference and not forget important things like me.


Isis Whyte, ’17, is a WORLD student ambassador. She majored in digital arts with a minor in computer science.


When I found out I was going to the Florida International Leadership Conference I did not know what to expect. I left Stetson University with an open mind and ready to take on new challenges. Upon arrival, I felt very welcomed not only by the leaders, but also because everyone else at the camp was in the same situation as me. It was easy to bond with the other foreign students because we have similar experiences.

There was an amazing speaker after our first dinner Friday night. She told us about how she fled the war in Bosnia when she was 9 years old and how she came to United States as an immigrant. Her story was capturing and affecting – not a single person in the room was not touched by her story. She gave every foreign student hope that it is possible to succeed as in the United States.

The next day, we listened to another speaker that I really liked. He talked about public speaking for foreign students. I think most students have a fear of speaking in public and having an accent does not make it any better. The speaker talked about how a person should change their way of thinking when it comes to public speaker. The speech was very inspiring and motivated me to talk in front of people even though I have a fear of making a fool out of myself or that people might not understand my accent.

I am really happy that I took the opportunity to go to this camp. It was fun, I learned a lot, and I even made new friends. I will bring everything I learned back to Stetson and encourage other international students to go to if they have the opportunity.


Tove Strand, ’17 is a WORLD student ambassador. She majored in marketing.


The annual Florida International Leadership Conference enhances student leadership skills; promotes friendships and networks among foreign and study abroad students; acknowledges and reward student leaders who work at promoting international understanding on campus; challenges students to see themselves as global leaders; and recognizes the differing styles of leadership across cultures.

Study finds lots of room to improve in international alumni relations

Survey respondents’ self-assessment of their institutions current global alumni engagement efforts. Source: Academic Assembly/Intead

A majority of US college administrators say that their institutions are not doing enough to connect with international alumni, and nearly two-thirds report having no dedicated staff time for global alumni relations.

These are some of the top-line findings from a new study released today by Academic Assembly and Intead. Global Alumni Management for U.S. Institutions: The State of the Field in 2017 gathers responses from 103 administrators at American colleges and universities for a first-ever national benchmarking survey of best practices in international alumni relations.

The overarching observation in the study is that there is considerable room for institutions to improve their engagement with international graduates. As the following chart reflects, most respondents do not rate their institution’s current efforts very highly.

The survey respondents most commonly cited “insufficient time” (51%) and “inadequate budget” (28%) as the main impediments to expanding their institution’s global alumni engagement. Nearly one in three respondents (30%) also noted “insufficient internal leadership support” as a significant issue.

If these results represent a baseline for international alumni relations in the US, they come as no surprise to Mitch Leventhal, former vice chancellor for global affairs at the State University of New York, and now chairman at Academic Assembly: “In my decade serving as a senior international officer I never once heard a colleague indicate anything close to satisfaction with their alumni outreach efforts, while I heard many bemoan the seemingly disinterest of their president and/or alumni association in investing any resources into leveraging this valuable asset.”

At the same time, the survey respondents identified strong awareness of a number of key benefits to greater engagement with international alumni. Chief among those, as reflected in the following table, was the role that alumni can play in international recruitment. Indeed, more than 50% of responding administrators said that they felt that global alumni management was “very important” to their international recruitment and branding efforts.

“It’s not just what happens to [the student] as a 22-year-old graduate,” says Gretchen Dobson, one of the primary authors of the report and the vice president of alumni and graduate services with Academic Assembly. “It’s about their lifelong relationship with the institution.”

Respondent perceptions of the value that global alumni offer to the institution. Source: Academic Assembly/Intead

Other important benefits noted by respondents include: increased fundraising opportunities and expanded connections to employment opportunities and professional networks for alumni and students.

“The purpose of international alumni relations is to leverage the support of this potential group of brand ambassadors,” says the study report. “The cumulative effect of this will increase your global brand projection, boost enrolment and fundraising, and create new employment opportunities for current students and recent graduates. It’s about making good use of the powerful resources you already have.”

The way forward

Ms Dobson, who led international alumni efforts at Tufts University for a decade and now consults and writes widely on the subject today, offers a straightforward path to better global alumni relations.

First, put some good, basic data systems in place to capture information about international graduates. Next, start small and build from there – in other words, do what you can but make international alumni part of what your institution does. Finally, recognise the importance of buy-in from senior leadership.

The study picks up the question of data management in calling for an entirely new classification for foreign graduates: transnational alumni, a term that recognises that international graduates may go on to further work or study in the US, in a third country, and/or return to their home country over time. “Capturing this kind of nuance requires a commitment to internationalising your [data] systems and annually inviting alumni to update their contact information,” says the report.

This is a distinction that makes a lot of sense to Anne Hayner, the associate director for alumni relations with the University of Notre Dame’s Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. International networking and engagement with foreign graduates are both central to the institute’s programmes, and Kroc has a long-established and active network of global alumni as a result.

Even so, Ms Hayner points out that any institution can begin to strengthen their efforts in this area, even with modest budget or staff resources. “Start with the students you have [on campus] now,” she says. “Connect with them and make sure they feel connected to you. Then have a way to capture and update contact information over time whether that’s a simple Google Form or whatever else.”

On the question of engaging with an alumni network, Ms Hayner again offers a straightforward approach: “Ask people what they need or want,” she suggests. “For example, part of my job is to help the students professionally network. So we keep them advised of what people are doing in the field through professional or alumni profiles, and we help them to stay connected to faculty or research resources so that they can stay on top of contemporary scholarship in the field.”

The benchmarking study echoes the value of starting small and demonstrating success as a means of building linkages within the institution as well as the buy-in of institutional leaders. In practice, global alumni initiatives may originate from different points within the organisational chart, most often from the international office or the alumni or advancement office. The report cautions, however, that, “International alumni relations can’t be managed in a vacuum…Reasonable expectations must be set for interdepartmental cooperation, and a reasonable budget must be allocated. Ideally, a cross-functional team from admissions, advancement, international programmes, and career for grassroots alumni engagement.”

Needless to say, the study is focused on the current context for global alumni relations in the US. However, readers in many other host countries will no doubt recognise many of these same characteristics and perspectives within their own institutions. With that in mind, it is fair to say that the findings and recommendations in the benchmarking report offer important insights for international educators around the world.

For additional background, please see:

Article from ICEF Monitor, posted December 6, 2017

Stetson celebrates another International Education Week

At Stetson University, International Education Week (November 13-17) celebrates the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide. Here’s a small slice of the many activities organized and led by students.

Travel Books
Adriana Bolanos ’18
WORLD Ambassador

Stetson’s duPont Ball Library featured travel/international books during International Education Week. In addition to highlighting one’s pathway in  life, books help society to understand cultures and their evolution over time. In fact, books teach about norms of the society and can make an individual a better person by learning about another culture or country. Books are a perfect way to spark curiosity for wanting to travel and explore.

Ask Me About Study Abroad Campaign
Tove Strand ’17
WORLD Ambassador

During International Education Week, students who had studied abroad were encouraged to wear a blue shirt and a sticker with the text “Ask Me About Studying Abroad”. The purpose of this campaign was to increase awareness about the study abroad programs Stetson University offers. Other students who were interested in studying abroad had the opportunity to ask questions at any time on campus during the week if they saw a person wearing the sticker.

International Tea Party
Nezha El abbassy ’17
WORLD Ambassador

On the first day of International Education Week, students, staff, and facultystudents participated in an International Tea Party in front of the CUB. They were offered teas from different places in the world and a brief presentation on how each tea is consumed in the particular country.

WORLD Soccer Match
Josh Tobutt ’19
WORLD Ambassador

On Monday evening during International Education Week, American and foreign students were invited to learn how to play soccer through a friendly game. The event integrated different cultures through sports.

Study Abroad Skype Session
Rebecca Shaffer ’18

Students attended a Skype session with Stetson senior Nicholas Fuller at Oxford University in England to learn about and discuss his experiences studying abroad. He identified the importance of studying abroad and answered questions regarding a range of issues from housing and extra-curricular activities to the process of getting a visaNicholas is a biology major and a contributor to the Stetson Senior blog.

Origami Frenzy
Son Vu ’20
WORLD Ambassador

During the origami event, students learned a new skill and de-stressed after mid-term exam week. The frenzy was co-facilitated by Origami “expert” Gonzalo Gonzalez who also learned some new designs. Many students learned how to make a crane, flower, and even a T-Rex out of a square piece of paper. 

International Karaoke Night
Sudeep Maiti ’20
WORLD Ambassador
The karaoke atmosphere was groovy. The UVA Clubhouse quickly filled with participants eating Moe’s as they stared at the screen while singing to classics like Sweet Caroline. Some were just hanging out with their friends. During the event, participants got to know one other and everyone had a really good time.

Capoeira Worshop
Greici Buzzi
Fulbright Language Teaching Assistant of Arabic

Capoeira is a martial art developed in Brazil by African slaves more than 400 years ago. It is an intoxicating and fast-paced blend of self-defense, music and fluid movement. Mestre George Palmares, Capoiera trainer with over 30 years of experience, came from Orlando with some of his students to offer a two hour workshop on this fascinating art. Participants watched the experienced students perform Capoeira. Mestre George went over a few concepts about the martial art itself and the instruments.  During the second part of the workshop, Stetson students received a free Capoeira lesson, engaging with the Capoeira apprentices and having a real experience of how this beautiful art is practiced. They had an amazing workshop experience.

Internships Abroad
Anand P. Dwivedi ’19
WORLD Council

The WORLD Council event featured Amy Barber, Stetson University’s assistant director of internships, who helped both domestic and foreign students with tips and resources for finding internships in other countries. Students learned about various providers that work closely with WORLD to provide study abroad experiences, and the various resources on campus to assist with internship search and the application process.

Interactive World Map
Elena Finver ’17
WORLD Ambassador

Foreign students marked where they were from on a large blank map, then both domestic and foreign students marked where they wished to travel next on the same map. Participants learned about how diverse the Stetson community is in terms of place of origin as well as options for studying abroad. This map is displayed at the WORLD: Rinker Center for International Learning.

Language Speed-Dating

Language is an integral part of international education. Among other factors, learning a language helps domestic students understand the struggles of foreign students learning a new language. It also provides an opportunity for foreign students to share a piece of their culture. As part of International Education week, native English speakers at Stetson University gathered with foreign students from various countries to learn as many languages as possible in a single hour. Structured as a speed-dating exercise, each pair of students had five minutes to learn something about each other before switching partners. Participants learned the basics of German, Swedish, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

Ping Pong Charades
Javier Gamboa ’18
WORLD Ambassador

Ping Pong Charades is a form of an International Trivia Game that tested the skills of students from an array of international topics including geography, food, and music. This event was hosted in Sage Hall SCALE UP  Classroom to ensure their active participation of a large number of students. The game was organized via a PowerPoint as it involved two teams giving one member of each team clues based on pictures showed on the projector. The goal  of the Charades was to spark an interest in current world affairs and events in a fun, interactive way.

Uncouth Hour
Gabriella Cassidy ’19
WORLD Ambassador

At these special Uncouth Hours, international students shared music and literature from wherever they are from. Students enjoyed food and the company of their friends. Over 40 students, both international and domestic, attended the night and performed.

International Education Week at Stetson University is a program of WORLD: The David and Leighan Rinker Center for International Learning. In 2017, WORLD Ambassadors were primarily responsible for organizing and facilitating events.

Improving Services and Bolstering Success for International Students

  • Stetson University’s International Student Success Initiative strives to bolster services to improve success for foreign students and alumni. A new national report highlights several exciting opportunities for student success. Stetson University is already ahead of the curve in addressing a number of these recommendations through this initiative.

The WES Research report takes a look at how 1,095 U.S-educated foreign students fare in the job market post-graduation and evaluates alumni impressions of how well their alma maters prepared them for success. The following are key findings of the report:

  • The vast majority of both current international students and international alumni believe that their U.S. education was a good investment.
  • International students say that credential recognition outside of the United States was one factor they considered when deciding to study in the U.S.
  • Overall, employment outcomes for alumni are good, but there are areas that could use improvement.
  • Post-graduation work-training programs in the United States, for instance Optional Practical Training (OPT) and Academic Training, were viewed positively.
  • Alumni in the U.S. use a variety of forms of work authorization, despite the challenges in obtaining work permits. Others leave due to difficulty obtaining work permits.
  • Usage of and satisfaction with career services offices was uneven.
  • Most international students came to the U.S. with at least some experience and gained more while studying.

Over half of current students surveyed had not yet used the career services at their institutions, primarily because they were not yet ready for the job search. Nearly two-thirds of alumni used campus career services while enrolled. Both current students and alumni were most satisfied with résumé (or CV) and cover letter writing preparation services, as well as career preparation seminars and workshops. Both groups reported some dissatisfaction with interview preparation services and services that connect them to potential employers. A related WES Research study revealed that career services is among the most important student service to many international students.

Stetson’s International Student Success Initiative has tackling recommendations addressed in the two reports: 

  • Increase the number of foreign students making use of the career services earlier in their tenure:
  • Develop methods to help students connect with job opportunities in their home countries (or abroad in general).
  • Encourage students to conduct internship or volunteer opportunities in their home countries during school breaks, or as part of cooperative (co-op) programs.
  • Coach students to advocate for themselves regarding their visa and work authorization status.
  • Educate employers about the regulations and the how foreign students can be strong assets for any company.
  • Schedule  once per semester meeting between international student services and career services to boost services to foreign students.
  • Host SEVIS/immigration advisor booth at career fair to advise foreign students on how to approach employers on working in the U.S.  and to support employers who often dismiss hiring non-U.S. citizens.
  • Be responsive to the differing needs of different student populations.
  • Bring resources to English language learners, especially in professional contexts.
  • Encourage students to seek on-campus job or other opportunities when possible to practice their English in a work environment.


Elements of this article were taken directly from the WES Research Report.