Savoring Global Flavors And Other Delights: International Students Share Their Cultures at The International Festival

Did you know that Stetson has almost 200 international students from 52 different countries? At this year’s International Festival, more than 15 tables were presented by multiple students sharing food, music and culture with American students and staff.  Students received cultural credit if they learned 3 things they didn’t previously know about another country.

Table items ranged from food, candies, drinks, clothing items, games, jewelry, information boards and more. As people meandered through Palm Court and Libby Lawn, they were able to chat with the table hosts and ask questions about their country and customs. For those who were 21 and older, sample flights of beer (Mexico and Belgium), Japanese sake (Rice wine) and a USA honey wine mead were available for an international happy hour.

Peace Corps representatives were also present to answer questions about their exciting international opportunities and program benefits.

The evening ended with live performances – 2 students performed an Arabic “stick dance” that Stetson’s Egyptian Fulbright Scholar taught them – members of APAC performed a K-Pop dance. Afterwards, an Hispanic musical duo serenaded the crowd, and topping off the evening, a belly dancer performed dances from around Middle East and Asia.

Over 250 students attended this year’s event.